I found Hec's Christmas present.
There's a reason why "Sexy as a Friar!" hasn't entered the vernacular.
They're buy one, get one free! I"m totally buying one two!
Dammit, Cash! You go buy some outside pants and take your outside voice and
magazine and go outside.
Timelies all!
Tired. Not really a surprise, since I was at a con this weekend, but still...
It would be even more perfect if it had cats on it!
We could always get those craxy poodle groomers to airbrush cats on one.
Dammit, Cash! You go buy some outside pants and take your outside voice and Outside magazine and go outside.
DO NOT LISTEN TO THE BOSSY MAN. Inside is better. It has computers and TV and cats and stuff.
I'm wearing Inside Clothes right now, AIFG!
(Those Nick and Nora PJs. With the pink elephants on skates. TOO AWESOME FLANNEL GOODNESS!)
I am also, because I'm still on my self-imposed accidental LJ hiatus, OUT OF INTERNETS, so I'm, umm. Working on my day off. Don't judge me!
Don't judge me!
I hear this about ten times a day from Emmett.
(owing to Jack Black in Tropic Thunder)
OK, please go to this link in a series of photos of most unusual college football trophies
And tell me I'm not the only one who's first thought was not on anything regarding football.
1800GOTJUNK came and took away a third of a truckload. I feel all light and carefree now!
I have a little leftover Puritan guilt for, you know,
for someone to haul my trash away, but on the other hand, not paying someone and meaning to get around to doing it myself has not been working out all that well.