TJs has currants in stock right now, or at least my TJs does.
I was spanked a few times as a kid, but not often enough to make an impression on me. I remember thinking that spanking was a bad way to punish someone because it was almost always delayed (Dad spanked us, Mom didn't), and that if Dad really meant it when he said it hurt him more than it hurt me he wouldn't do it. Being sent to one's room was a more typical punishment in our house. I don't think I was ever grounded, but I was a goody two-shoes.
My MiL is always suggesting that we should spank the kids and saying things like "my dad would have beaten me for doing something like that." I remind her that she has pretty dismal impression of him as a father. But I'm pretty sure she thinks our whole philosophy--1) stop the behavior, 2) talk about choices and consequences--is for the birds and one day we'll realize we've made a huge mistake. And I can admit they aren't perfectly behaved children, but they're good in the ways that count.
not sure that children are supposed to be perfectly well behaved. it would be convenient but not very human
The turkey is out of the smoker. The pie is out of the oven. The dressing is in the oven. The potatoes are on the stove, with water working toward boiling. Today is the nearest day to Thanksgiving that Todd and I are both in town and not at rehearsal, so it'll do.
Yang Yang was so cute and I just wanted to cuddle him. I didn’t expect he would attack,
My favorite part is there were two other panda biting incidents in the last year involving people that wanted to cuddle with them.
It's rare that stupidity is so perfectly rewarded.
In the further adventures of unfortunate newspaper phraseology, click, enlarge the image of the front page of the Boston Globe, and check out the sub-headline under "Clinton is choice for State Dept.": [link]
Since that page will not be there tomorrow, I'll preserve it in white font for posterity:
Obama plans to tap rival
I SO want Stewart or Colbert to get their hands on this one.
Years ago, I saw a documentary about the first pandas in America. The image is seared onto my brain of their first American keeper sitting at a picnic table in a short sleeve shirt that did not cover his metal arm and hook. A replacement for the arm one of the pandas had ripped off and eaten. He sighed heavily and said in a world weary voice, "Yeah, they're cute."
Dude. Bummer.
Dayum. I mean, they're herbivores. You (or, at least I) don't think of them being quite that vicious.
I know! It was shocking, but only because we are so attracted to cute. A bear is a bear is a bear. Lot's of teeth and claws and not much smart, ya know?
Even wee little Devi looks all cute and cuddly, yet woe if you ignore her teeth and claws.
I've cleaned and run a million errands. Printed out cat care sheets, found spare key set and washed out all the cats' dishes.