I say do whatever makes you feel safe, and that we'll back you up however you need us to.
Also, Cashmere? Yeah. I think I'd probably better not watch
Thundercars of Indiana
considering that there's an amateur racing dude who sometimes still calls me.
I am very pro-public school. Insanely so. But I can't begrudge ANY presidential parent choosing private over public in DC. I had an awesome public school system. In a district with 3 high schools and little other options and fucking poor, but it shone. It was quite the revelation to go to a fancy-private college and see how many were private-school babes who sneered at public schools.
We're TWINS!
We lived in the fairly pricey area we lived in primarily for the public schools. Much of my extended family has done likewise. The President doesn't so much have that option. And even if you fully supprt the idea that involved parents with intelligent children (who lack any particular learning-challenges) can do well even in a not-great school, the security issues would be a fucking nightmare.
And his kids have never gone to public school anyway. People project a LOT on this guy. He's not anti-war, he's anti THIS war. He's not some big liberal -- he's pretty pragmatic and and inclined to useing approaches favored by liberals. Personally, lifestyle-wise, he's pretty conservative. He's expressed opposition to gay marriage, but (as I understand it) he was ALSO opposed to Prop 8 because of the constitutional issues its likely to get overturned on. Some people are in for a real shock, but they haven't been paying attention.
There are PLENTY of things I'm not going to agree with him on -- but I do agree with the way he finds common ground with his adversaries and believe he makes thoughtful decisions.
U. S. civics quiz: [link]
I missed one (the anti-Federalists). I can haz citizenship?
This is the view from my living room. At least it's stopped snowing.
Oz says, "WTF?"
Also, I just saw the finale of Veronica Mars for the first time. Really, that's it? Also, how could they give Veronica another one note actor for a boyfriend? And am I crazy or was Dick the most interesting character in Season 3.
I have slain the grocery store monster and now am home with the bounty of my quest.
Anyone else picturing Theo with a Bowie knife clenched between her teeth?
Just me?
Right then.
I just realized that tommorrow night is a thankgiving party for which I have to bring a cheese platter hor d'oevres thingie. And also that I should probably bring something to my other two thanksgivings! Which means several trips to the grocery store, because I don't want to re-injure my hip. Or renting the zipcar? Hmmm.
Yike's sorry to hear about the cyberstalking. You might want to go back a few posts (and if others are agreeable, back to recent references to your former name) and delete the comment's with the new name on them (and references to the real one), just to be safe.
Though I suppose, at this point, the deleted posts would be just as much of a giveaway. Sometimes I'm not so fond of some things about the internets.
ION - I love how the puppies are trying to turn the new cage in their room into a chew toy.