This is the view from my living room. At least it's stopped snowing.
Oz says, "WTF?"
Also, I just saw the finale of Veronica Mars for the first time. Really, that's it? Also, how could they give Veronica another one note actor for a boyfriend? And am I crazy or was Dick the most interesting character in Season 3.
I have slain the grocery store monster and now am home with the bounty of my quest.
Anyone else picturing Theo with a Bowie knife clenched between her teeth?
Just me?
Right then.
I just realized that tommorrow night is a thankgiving party for which I have to bring a cheese platter hor d'oevres thingie. And also that I should probably bring something to my other two thanksgivings! Which means several trips to the grocery store, because I don't want to re-injure my hip. Or renting the zipcar? Hmmm.
Yike's sorry to hear about the cyberstalking. You might want to go back a few posts (and if others are agreeable, back to recent references to your former name) and delete the comment's with the new name on them (and references to the real one), just to be safe.
Though I suppose, at this point, the deleted posts would be just as much of a giveaway. Sometimes I'm not so fond of some things about the internets.
ION - I love how the puppies are trying to turn the new cage in their room into a chew toy.
In totally inappropriate auto-generated ads: one of the "related ads" links on the bottom of the NY Times topics page for Harvey Milk is for Hostess Snacks: [link]
I loved last night when the puppies' Dad was briefly turning on a hair dryer to help them get used to new scarey sounds.
I find that if you go down the supermarket aisles with a knife clenched in your teeth, the other shoppers tend to get out of your way. It sure helps you get through your list faster, anyway.
Eureks Springs! My girlfriend's and I have chosen it several times for our girly weekends. One weekend was Lesbian Weekend and the irony was that our bi friend couldn't come that weekend.
We've had some fun times there. We stayed at the haunted hotel once, but not in the haunted room. In the off-season, it's pretty cheap. We had a whole B7B to ourselves once (not on purpose, just worked out that way.)
We always end the weekend getting treatments at one of the many spas. We've done the historical one, which was cool -- they put you in these Swedish hot tub looking things, except the top is covered, too -- only your head sticks out.
And then there was the hippie lesbian spa where the steamer was a 2010 looking egg you got in. Not great for clautros, but it steamed you up good, and then you took a shower with homemade mint shower gel, and then you got your massage with facial. It was cool. We were the only clients there on a Sunday morning, and it was really fun.
I was spanked as a kid, and everything I can remember was for uetter brattiness or potential harm to myself. I got whaled GOOD when my dad caught me poking a dead snake in the road and it turned to be (a) not dead and (b) a copperhead.
He was scared shitless. It was all WHACK! NEver! (hug) WHACK! Never! (hug)
The dissappointed speech always CRUSHED me, and I don't think I was spanked over a certain age -- maybe 9? -- when grounding/THE SPEECH was more effective. And yes, when I was grounded, I lost reading, and that SUCKED ASS.
I got slapped once when I was twelve and mouthes off to my dad. I would have slapped me too. And my last ever spanking was when I was twelve and pushed my dad into the pool and he landed on another kid. I got spanked AT the pool.
And I, too, told my mom "Fuck you!" when I was 18. She kicked me out. (I was home from college and went to stay with my best friend.)
If I had kids, I would probably believe in the occasional spank. But I would model on my parents who always, always told me WHY I was getting spanked and it was never brutal -- I was always 5 or ten open-handed spanks on the bottom, clothed, and it smarted, but didn't HURT. And they always told me they loved me, and treated me like normal after. Like, "You did this, this is why we are doing this, do you understand? Ok -- spank -- now, hug and go sit in your room and think about this for a while, and dinner is in 15 minutes."