Now, Tom, it could be worse. It could be Minneapolis.
It could be Fargo! I had to go there for business once. Only in November but still. Who was talking about being freaked out by places where everyone looks alike? I am freaked by it too and that's exactly what Fargo was. A sea of kinda pasty blonds. Nice people though.
I would have to be paid to be at a birth. seriously.
I don't even like being a bridesmaid.
I get to go home now!
I've been home all day! Of course, I was asleep for some of it and in pain for most of the rest, but still, inside pants all day!
As a New Yorker, everyone being nice to me would freak me out way more than everyone looking the same.
I would have to be paid to be at a birth. seriously.
I have been paid and it was pretty cool, I must say. Since I'm a detail herder by nature, it was great to be able to make sure that everything was right in the universe so that the mom, dad and midwife could focus on the important bits.
Plus? Sweet mystery of life. Quite cool, really.
Toronto is a cool city. Much of it is underground. You never have to go outside, if you plan it right.
Now, Tom, it could be worse. It could be Minneapolis.
It could be Fargo!
Yeah! At least Minneapolis has the skyway system!!
And, I have an electric scooping litter box,
Brand? I really need to get myself something like that, I absolutely hate scooping.
What Connie said. (Second post in second thread in a row saying that.) Toronto (and Montreal) know how to do winter better than US cities. You'll be fine.
Brand? I really need to get myself something like that, I absolutely hate scooping.
Yes please. My dad could totally use something like that.