The Washington Post has an interesting article about the survivors of Jonestown.
The Chron has been running Jonestown and Milk/Moscone assassination pieces all week. The most harrowing was from my congressional Rep. Jackie Speier who was an aide to Leo Ryan, and shot on the tarmac trying to escape Jonestown. She spent 22 hours lying there with five bullets in her body before she was rescued.
I'm totally with amych in the humorless get a puppy for something other than looks bench.
DUDE. I love Australian Shepherds as much as the next guy, but getting them because they are cute and then being put off because they have more energy than you can ever expend without taking them to a herding ring...and the fact that, frankly, they are smarter than most of their people...well...that just ain't right to me.
My next favorite request, "How can I get my Beagle to stop barking." Good luck with that!
Today I have a doggy lama client that is a jumper. At least that I can do something about.
Ted Stevens' loss totally messed up my prediction of Palin becoming a Senator in a special election.
The most harrowing was from my congressional Rep. Jackie Speier who was an aide to Leo Ryan, and shot on the tarmac trying to escape Jonestown. She spent 22 hours lying there with five bullets in her body before she was rescued.
The Post article is by a journalist who was also injured there. He interviews her a bit for this article.
Ted Stevens loss totally messed up my prediction of Palin becoming a Senator in a special election.
Yeah, I think a lot of people were disappointed by this. Some Dems as well....
Or maybe I'm confusing Dems with comedians.
Ted Stevens loss totally messed up my prediction of Palin becoming a Senator in a special election.
And bless Uncle Ted for that "mess-up".
My next favorite request, "How can I get my Beagle to stop barking." Good luck with that!
I am here to testify.
I *will* say that the citronella collar did work. Sometimes.
Fenris is a Beagle mix, but there's no doubt he got the barking genes. I can distinctly hear his bark from a block away.
I *will* say that the citronella collar did work. Sometimes.
Years before my doggy lama days, a friend used a citronella collar on her mutt imported from Puerto Rico. That pooch had some 'street smarts.' She would walk into a corner, throw her head back as far as she could, bark like a maniac, cough a couple of times and then dash off to bark with impunity for the rest of the day. Emptying the collar: 2 minutes. Barking with abandon for 8 hours: Priceless.