Oh Cash, that sounds like an exhausting pattern. Thank goodness your sister had such a supportive family.
I have hot-button reactions to news stories like this--I can usually track down the emotional reasons but it takes some hard introspection.
This is me. And a case of the good news and the bad news being the same.
Yes, it's an old hot button issue and one that, at least today, took a lot of deep thinking.
But the good news in that is that my past no longer defines me and is not uppermost in my mind. Ironically, it's the thing I promise my clients and yet sometimes forget why I am so passionate about it...that by creating new habits of thought and behavior, the way you choose to be in the world becomes second nature. You don't have to think about being well anymore, you can just live well.
My emotional freedom may not be absolute but it is so much greater than ever before that I actually have the luxury to forget why something might upset me.
I'm going to chalk that one up in the win column at the same time I wish I'd figured it out before bringing it here!
In totally other news, when did the puppies get a new bed?! They're getting so big. Sniff.
is it really true that they actually have the movers at the White House during the inauguration ceremonies??
Yep. Two big vans. One empty, one with the incoming First Family's personal effects. By the time they get back from the inauguration ceremonies, their beds will even be made with their own personal linens.
How can I get Michelle Obama's eyebrows?
Oh man. I need to arrest my eyebrow obsession. A friend gave me a 10x mirror and I can't stop plucking. I'm actually wounding myself in the quest. A friend who is an aesthetician says that no one, who isn't a facialist should see your skin so close. I think she may be right.
Well, the skirts don't fit. However, I found a dress suit (above the knee sheath + long jacket) I thought I'd given away when it didn't fit. It's a deep muted purple micro-suede (I think that's what it is called.) And it fits again!
Of course, this means I really should have my newish suits altered because they will be huge.
A friend gave me a 10x mirror and I can't stop plucking.
They say that amateurs should never use a magnified mirror for eyebrow plucking. Trust your friend.
When I write a rec letter I figure the most important thing is that it doesn't sound vague and/or generic...
Thank you, Burrell.
Damn, bonny. I'm sorry you grew up in such a shitstorm.
What Jesse said.
I remember reading a bit about the father that dropped off 8 or 9 kids in Nebraska. His wife had died in the previous year, he lost (or quit?) his job to care for the younger kids and he was emotionally and financially overwhelmed.
There is white stuff falling from the sky. I do not approve.