Black Label was our college beer of choice.
I used to have my dad's Black Label bowling shirt. Somebody stole it because it was just that cool. ( It was black and said "Hey Mabel!" on the back, as that was the Black Label ad at the time: "Hey Mabel! Another Black Label).
Cheap College Beer: Gennessee Cream Ale, Rolling Rock, Generic Beer.
I was very popular my last semester in college, because I was legally 21 and could buy the booze. My 25-cent-a-bottle bounty was a nice income.
Is this the same girlfriend who cheated on you with your best friend?
I don't the she was very nice....
Not really, no.
I could tell more stories about her, but then people here would start to doubt my intelligence for going out with her....
When I go to clubs and shows, I spend a lot of time saying, "BUT WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?"
Sometimes I attribute this to getting old, but then I recall thinking the same thing when I was going to clubs at 21.
I could tell more stories about her, but then people here would start to doubt my intelligence for going out with her....
You were a teenager, its not your brain that was thinking.
I was very popular my last semester in college, because I was legally 21 and could buy the booze.
Huh. My last semester of high school I was 18, so I could drink legally.
I still didn't drink much at all until I got to college. I think I bought booze once or twice for other people when I was in high school.
Weird. Back then, some high school seniors could drink legally (in WI)....
Shrift - I've been saying something akin to "WHO does that?!?!?" for most of my life - it's not about getting old, it is about people being wrong and not knowing how to act.
caveat - I probably should have gone on a hiatus from saying anything of the kind throughout college, becuase I was often THAT girl and nsm with the acting like I knew how to act.
When I was at Steven Point, it was Point beer. In Madison, it was... damn, wtf was the cheap local beer? It was $5 something for a case! An eight-pack was cheaper than a six-pack of Coke!
We like Point. They have some very good microbrews--Horizon Wheat and their Nude Beach is awesome.
We like Point. They have some very good microbrews--Horizon Wheat and their Nude Beach is awesome.
The coolest thing about Point back then was this billboard on the outskirts of Stevens Point. With the slogan, "Brewed with that wonderful Stevens Point water." Which made me wonder - did they get their water upstream or downstream of all the paper mills?
For want of a piece of wire and a lightbulb socket, I've been driving a loaner since Tuesday.
And will be tonight as well.