When I was at Steven Point, it was Point beer. In Madison, it was... damn, wtf was the cheap local beer? It was $5 something for a case! An eight-pack was cheaper than a six-pack of Coke!
We like Point. They have some very good microbrews--Horizon Wheat and their Nude Beach is awesome.
We like Point. They have some very good microbrews--Horizon Wheat and their Nude Beach is awesome.
The coolest thing about Point back then was this billboard on the outskirts of Stevens Point. With the slogan, "Brewed with that wonderful Stevens Point water." Which made me wonder - did they get their water upstream or downstream of all the paper mills?
For want of a piece of wire and a lightbulb socket, I've been driving a loaner since Tuesday.
And will be tonight as well.
I was very popular my last semester in college, because I was legally 21 and could buy the booze.
Senior year, I was the only person in my dorm who was of age and owned a car. I made some good money that year, between the booze runs, Target trips, and Perkins (restaurant) raids.
Being 21 in NYC for college, lent NO benefit over every other college student.
You know what's really funny? Other than the time my car died for good, this is the longest I've ever had a car at the mechanic's. And it is for something mechanically piddly, not like needing a new clutch or something.
And it is the one time I have been given a loaner.
Which is good, because I would be batshit insane without it at this point.
Being in Chiefs, specifically in the trumpet (Screech Squad) section in college, we veered between kegs, coolers, and most commonly at Chiefs' parties, Hairy Buffalo, which was like Purple Jesus, except hairier.
Gotta love college in the south.
Prolly what's in this cup... [link]
My last semester of high school I was 18, so I could drink legally.
Me too, until I was 20 and then they switched to 21 without grandfathering us in.
Hairy Buffalo
Oh, lord. There are many nights I can't remember, thanks to Hairy Buffalo. (Made with Everclear, which was illegal in Ohio, so people would drive to Indiana to buy it, along with beer at low low Indiana prices.)