So the doesn't drink coffee and likes Moby Dick things are just to keep him for being the Mary-Sue Elect?
For me, Moby Dick just increases his Mary Sue-ness.
I guess anyone who can get through the catalog of whales is bound to have the kind of patience Obama does.
I was baffled the first time I started seeing PBR as the drink of choice at shows. Oh, hipsters.
The hipster bar in my 'hood recently opened a pizza window in/adjacent to it that's open until, like, 4 a.m. Seeing as how my neighborhood is named Northside, the name of the pizza window?
Ah, hipsters. Never change. (Because, then who would I mock?)
(Okay, it's fun to drive by and yell out the car window, "NorthSLIIIIIIIIICE!!!!" I seriously don't know why The Boy hasn't kicked me out yet.)
My neighborhood is so cool and so baffling, demographically. Part of it is the genuine, drug-dealing, gang-having 'hood. But the rest of it is hippie-granola-liberals, ffffffabulous gay men, low-key lesbians, working-class black families, and hipsters hipsters hipsters. All over the map; the only unifying factor I can suss out is that I'd bet my neighborhood went about 98% for Obama (and 1% for Bob Barr).
We barely fit in because of my hippie-granola-liberal ideals (though I don't dred my hair or wear patchouli -- seriously, someone needs to tell them to stop it right now), and, one assumes, because of the cross-dresser in the house.
Iron City and Rolling Rock, around Pittsburgh.
Rolling Rock is
better than PBR.
Of course, I haven't had PBR since high school, so maybe my tastes have changed since then....
Oh, and -- did no one else drink Keystone Light? Barely drinkable and oh so cheap. I switched to Killian's my senior year, because, damn it, I had principles, and one of them (or possibly the only one) was to not drink shitty beer.
I drank pitchers of Yuengling Black and Tans in college. This was before Yeungling was a national brand.
I have had a crap day - heck, week - of feeling low and getting nothing done. I got a ahircut this afternoon. Suddenly I feel really good! ...and am still getting nothing done. Crap.
I did almost no drinking in high school (because I was always driving) but I remember folks drank a lot of Old Milwaukee, which was called "frog piss" on account of the graphic on the can arguably showed what appeared to be a frog pissing into a funnel.
I think college was when I started drinking Dr. Pepper. Crazy times.
Oh yeah, in Madison, Huber was the cheap-ass beer everyone drank. Except when Huber Bock was available. The joke was that Huber Bock was what they got when they scraped out the bottoms of the brewing vats....
Yuengling was what people who knew better drank when I was in college.
Of course, I really knew better, and didn't drink much beer at all. The occasional Rolling Rock, maybe.
Keystone Light?
I KNEW I had failed to remember a cheap beer from high school!
Then again, this was the crew that thought Molson Ice was the bomb.
Oh, and Olympia. Which is what some of the more hipster than thou crowd drink instead of PBR.
OH! Rainier! Also noted for having some of the more awesome commercials back in the day.