I'm not sure what Obama would drink. But I doubt it's PBR.
What is PBR?
Maybe he's developed lactose sensitivity? I don't eat ice cream (except in dire hormone-related circumstances) because of that.
Ice cream is like beer to me. It just isn't refreshing so I don't really ever crave it on a hot day like some people seem to. There are certain flavors that work for me, but overall, I could live without it.
Ice cream is like beer to me. It just isn't refreshing so I don't really ever crave it on a hot day like some people seem to.
And see, now I just want some beer and ice cream. Damn you, wee Megan!
What is PBR?
Pabst Blue Ribbon [link] Originally reserved for cheap-asses and high school students, PBR has been enjoying a renaissance among the hipster set, primarily due to its low price point and identification as a old-school, "genuine" brand.
Didn't Ben and Jerry's have beer ice cream at one point? Like, Guinness, or Black and Tan?
I'm thinking a guinness float right about now.
x-post HA
PBR has been enjoying a renaissance among the hipster set, primarily due to its low price point and identification as a old-school, "genuine" brand.
It's funny-- in college it was Milwaukee's Best more than PBR-- I wonder if it was a southern thing. Not that I ever drank it because beer? ptui.
Did my previous post sound snitty? I did not mean snitty? am not in a snit.
About not having matching sweaters? Not snitty!
My suggestion was a joke because it was hilarious to me to picture you and mac in, like, matching batman sweaters! Or some sort of Christmas Cosby sweaters.
Originally reserved for cheap-asses and high school students, PBR has been enjoying a renaissance among the hipster set, primarily due to its low price point and identification as a old-school, "genuine" brand.
Also, it got a hilarious shout out in Blue Velvet.
"Heineken?!??!? Fuck that shit!!! Pabst! Blue! Ribbonnnnnn!!!"
It's funny-- in college it was Milwaukee's Best more than PBR-- I wonder if it was a southern thing.
We drank The Beast, PBR, High Life, and Black Label in high school. Basically, whichever shitty beer was on sale, we drank. In college, most of the dudes drank Mickey's when they weren't drinking from a keg.