Not to mention that bone marrow transplants have a 30% fatality rate.
Yeah, that's the stickler Fauci focuses on. The person it appears to have worked on was already dying of lukemia so it was worth doing. Living as long and as well as one can with current HIV medications a 20-30% chance of death seems not great. Of course, maybe the fatality rate goes down when someone isn't already weakend by cancer, who knows?
There is a lot of work to be done -- but there could be an actual cure for actual AIDS which is pretty amazing.
Skipping, so forgive me if this has already been mentioned, but Grey's Anatomy isn't airing until 1:06 AM here because of football. I'm not sure what other areas are affected by this.
Fuck anyone who opposes cloning in those circumstances.
I know, right?
I had a friend die of AIDS nine years ago. He'd apparently been positive for years before he and his partner knew and his partner never contracted it. We basically assume the partner has the gene. There was some talk of him being included in a study.
Oh I thought it was less THAN a thousand. OK, that is huge. And yeah we night to start cloning the bone marrow. Fuck anyone who opposes cloning in those circumstances.
This is the reason I'm very much opposed to knee-jerk legislation banning human cloning, well not this specifically, but medical cures in general.
F&**&(# photo machine at FedEx OFFICE will not read my USB thingy.$%^@#()#
I removed an .exe from it and it better work now.
And since I know you all care about my lunch, I got a 1.50 fast food side salad to go with the stuff I brought. compromise.
I got a surprisingly expensive salad bar salad, and realized when I got back to my desk that I had two plastic containers stuck together, so I wonder how much that added to the cost?
Not to mention that bone marrow transplants have a 30% fatality rate.
Is that because of the process, or because of the condition of most people who need that sort of treatment as currently prescribed, though?
I got a 1.50 fast food side salad to go with the stuff I brought. compromise.
Strong work! Today was my day to not bring lunch (I try to only buy once a week) and I got some VERY delicious pizza. Black olives, sundried tomatoes, goatcheese. Brick Oven Pizza, yo!
Is that because of the process, or because of the condition of most people who need that sort of treatment as currently prescribed, though?
I don't know the answer to that, but I'd imagine cloned bone marrow would offer opportunities for tinkering with it to reduce the likelihood of rejection, assuming that's a factor here.
For a bone marrow transplant, they basically have to kill your existing bone marrow, using chemotherapy and/or radiation. This necessarily risks infection, causes overall systemic weakness, and so forth. I imagine the sicker you are to start with the greater the risks.