Thanks, everyone.
I can't remember ever being this nervous before. And I don't actually have anything to be nervous about -- I'm not being graded, I'm not being judged, and no one will be listening with any purpose other than learning what I have to say. (Or just waiting around to learn what the next person has to say, because it's a session of a bunch of back-to-back short talks, so if you want to hear one, you've got to stay for a bunch.)
It's just, this is an actual conference. Not just a locally-organized thing, but an actual national conference. Eek.
psst. Hil is going to be brilliant tomorrow. Pass it on!
Hil, nothing you have said suggests that you will be anything but prepared and professional and great
Well, I just managed to poke myself in the eye, while wearing glasses. That doesn't seem so prepared and professional.
Thanks, guys. I'm calming down a bit.
Also trying not to worry about my lisp. My talk has the word "incidence" pretty often, and I never seem to manage to get both c's right. I can get one or the other, but not both. I'm reminding myself that a pretty good portion of the people presenting don't have English as a first language, so the people listening are used to figuring out speech that's not quite right. (The friend that I was practicing with today can't pronounce "polynomial." But he can say "isthmus," and I just look at that word and weep. But it's his talk that has the isthmus, not mine.)
(The major phrases I need to get across are "incidence Hopf algebra," "forest," "antipode," and "chain." "Chain" is the only one that gives me problems -- if I'm not careful, it comes out "cane.")
We send the extra ma~~ for right words right sounds, Hil.
I typed in the risotto recipe/method in my blog -- I need to check it again before it posts. But first, a bath
Hil, you will be excellent.
I should be asleep. But I don't want to go to sleep, because once I do, it'll mean it's time to wake up (because see, sleep doesn't count, because I don't remember it, cause I'm asleep). And I already know I don't want to wake up. Because it'll be too early. And I"ll have to go hang out with my parents. And I'll have to ALSO do work. Which I've been dreading. It will be a long heinous day.
And when I get back to Seattle I just want to cuddle, but I think I need to have a talk with my girl (who has been super sweet these few days I've been gone), except I don't know what I want to say. I don't know where I want this relationship to go, exactly. But I feel like we need some...boundaries or something. But I don't know what those should be. BLAH.
Stupid Sunday nights.
good luck, meara. Unfortunately I can't get in you head and straighten everything out for you. If you can't sleep -- write the odd cryptic note to yourself. It helps me figure out what my brain is really trying to say to me
Bed time for me.
Happy New Year, Bitches! I hope 2009 is better in every way, shape, and form for all of us.
Shir, I have no words. Thank you for the updates--it's good to know that you're OK--and may peace come sooner rather than later. FTR, I don't think you're naive. You're human, and it's nice to know there are still some out there that don't categorize an entire ethnic group by the actions of radicals.
Glamcookie, I hope you feel better soon. Did the doctor or nurse show you the trick of hugging a pillow when you have to cough or sneeze? It helps... a lot.
Hil, good luck with the presentation today. I know you'll kick ass.
We've almost used up enough ham so that I can make split pea soup later this week.
Hah! I solved that problem easily. DH and I kept half of the leftover ham and the in-laws took the rest (with the bone). Delicious nummy split-pea soup was delivered to me on Wednesday. All the goodness with none of the mess.
JZ, I hope you drank. Poor you and Matilda.
Theo, much ~ma to you and your mom. I hope it's nothing in the grand scheme of things.
Sorella, I hope the grading didn't eat you alive. And I certainly hope you're sleeping at this hour.
::loves Fay and amych for their grammatical spiciness::
South Jersey also has the city of Camden. Trust me, you're better off not remembering it's there.
Ack, Ginger! I'm glad you got the wallet back. You should call and cancel the credit cards anyway. I wouldn't put it past someone to have either copied the relevant info or run them through one of those duplication swipers. Call the credit bureaus and request that fraud alerts be placed on your file. You can remove them later.
Bah, beth taunts us with the risotto. I am also risotto-less, which shall have to be remedied. It's a damned shame SF is not on the east coast. It would make my life so much easier.
Perkins, fabulous pics! It's great to see everyone so happy and relaxed.
Suzi, house~ma to you. My new year's wish for you is that this thing sells but quick.
Oh, the pillow-hugging thing is a thing of great joy, when one has a cough or sneeze after surgery. Unfortunately, cats don't work as well, as they tend to squish smaller than a pillow, and to be rather pissy about being squished and coughed or sneezed upon at the same time.
JZ, oh honey. Oh, oh, oh. Littlies throwing up in the car has to be one of the horriblest things to deal with ever. Vomit-panic is a dozen times worse when they're strapped in a seat and you can't get to them to aim them and soothe them at the same time. And then cleanup after is just a horror. Who knew there were so many compartments and strength molds and crannies in a car interior, who? I'm so sorry, and I hope you had your lovely drink and enjoyed the hell out of it. And I hope the lovely Matilda (may we call her Tilda? Because I do love it so, but I don't want to presume) has recovered from the ick that caused the sickup, poor lamb.
And also? Maria! Happy New Year, dearheart!
t tacklehugs Maria
So know how I've been in crazy vacation sleeping schedule mode? This is when that becomes a problem. I let it get really bad this past week. Got on theatre people schedule of going to bed between 3 and 4 (5 on NYE) and getting up noonish. I've been in bed since 11. I have to get up by 6. Yeah. It's after 2 already. Tomorrow is not going to be pretty.