Oh, the pillow-hugging thing is a thing of great joy, when one has a cough or sneeze after surgery. Unfortunately, cats don't work as well, as they tend to squish smaller than a pillow, and to be rather pissy about being squished and coughed or sneezed upon at the same time.
JZ, oh honey. Oh, oh, oh. Littlies throwing up in the car has to be one of the horriblest things to deal with ever. Vomit-panic is a dozen times worse when they're strapped in a seat and you can't get to them to aim them and soothe them at the same time. And then cleanup after is just a horror. Who knew there were so many compartments and strength molds and crannies in a car interior, who? I'm so sorry, and I hope you had your lovely drink and enjoyed the hell out of it. And I hope the lovely Matilda (may we call her Tilda? Because I do love it so, but I don't want to presume) has recovered from the ick that caused the sickup, poor lamb.
And also? Maria! Happy New Year, dearheart!
t tacklehugs Maria
So yeah...you know how I've been in crazy vacation sleeping schedule mode? This is when that becomes a problem. I let it get really bad this past week. Got on theatre people schedule of going to bed between 3 and 4 (5 on NYE) and getting up noonish. I've been in bed since 11. I have to get up by 6. Yeah. It's after 2 already. Tomorrow is not going to be pretty.
Uggh. Who invented work? I hate him.
The man who invented coffee, on the other hand?
The man who invented coffee, on the other hand?
I worship them. Every day and religiously, yessir. Also to the ones who invented a/c (A/C? Steph's typing lesson is gonna haunt me forever).
Fay, your English lessons rock (hey, you people understand that when I write "English lessons" I mean "English language lessons", and not "English literature lessons", right?). And they are also very helpful!
And Hil's gonna rock so hard tomorrow. Because I say so. Yes I do.
And poor JZ and Matilda. JZ, I hope you're drunk and sleeping by now.
Way. Too. Much. Studies. To. Do. Today. Kill. Me. Now.
Smooth surgery~ and recovery~ma msbelle.
Mom~ma theodosia.
D when are you free for dinner again?
::adds to the tacklehugs::
Also adding to the vibage and ~ma that belle get through her minor thingie with a minimum of stress for herself and for mac.
I understand the hate of "getting up too early" for lo, I did keep waking up all night last night, thinking surely my alarm was about to go off. And it wasn't, because about the third time I woke up, it was still only 5:45AM. And my alarm wasn't going off until 7:30. But my SISTER'S alarm went off at 7AM. So, yeah. I'm not awake or happy, already. And I haven't even started the "work" (still procrastinating) or "parents" (haven't shown up yet) parts of my day. Joy?
Maria!! Miss you.
Hopes for Kristin that coffee makes the day bearable and at least getting up early today will make tonight easy to fall asleep and re-adjust to the schedule?
The man who invented coffee, on the other hand?
I'm going to go out on a limb and guess it was a woman who invented coffee. I may be totally wrong but it just feels right to me.
I'm grateful to whatever woman, man, or deity invented coffee.
Back to work, and everyone is here. Mean!boss took the last 3 weeks of the year as vacation, but she's back.
I'm trying VERY hard to work on that don't-have-contempt-for-her thing, and it's not working so far.
Pretty sure it was goats who discovered coffee. All hail Ethiopian goats!