OK, so it's happened again. A blast from the past friends me at facebook. This time it's someone from High School. She drops me a line and says:
So nice to make contact with you. I don't know why we didn't end up HS strong friends because I was always fond of you. You seemed to accept me no matter what crap I got myself into, or what weirdness I was involved with! I appreciated you for that a lot!
Being that I had a HUGE crush on her, but of course being shy never did anything about it (that and she always had this boyfriend). I'm not going to read into that statement, right? Granted, she's married and living in KS now, so not like there is anything to read into. Just trying to learn from my past. I can never tell when a gal is interested.
Yeah, I met a couple people off OKCupid. And, free. I know lots of people who've used match, but it's very ...normal.
I'm on OKCupid... maybe I should answer some of these emails. I had two really bad dates from OKC so I went off it but maybe I should give it another chance.
What do you guys think of this skirt?
I like it, but $40 seems like a lot for a skirt that doesn't have a hem.
dear asshat customer dude: Don't call up and say you owe us an apology and then go on to say it's our fault you were upset. You were
screaming obscenities
at a
woman. "I'm sorry your policies made me mad" is not an apology. You're lucky I wasn't here last night or you'd have been arrested.
I'm with Laga on the skirt. Seems pricey, but the hand wash care instructions would keep me away because hand washing doesn't happen in my life. The flowers probably require that.
I know the woman who makes the skirts but I was thinking it was pretty expensive. But then, I've never had hand made clothes before. Her stuff is extremely well made, though--she wears her own stuff and it holds up.
I'm considering wearing more skirts and thought this might be a good start. I could just call her and ask her to make something specifically for me, if I'm going to spend that much.
most of my hand wash stuff goes through the shortest gentle cycle on my washer
An article about a new type of bra: [link] - the emphasis is on comfort rather than uplift.
The emphasis is apparently on continuing back and shoulder problems, because the main problem with bras (including that one, from what I can see) is that all the weight of the breasts is suspended from the shoulders. The picture with the article shows that the "x" design of the straps is
sitting way too high up - it's sitting where badly-fitting bra bands always sit.
So she took a badly-fitting bra design AND made it less supportive. I am unimpressed. Also, a bra that is properly fitted IS comfortable. Not as comfortable as a custom-fitted overbust corset, but still more comfortable than that new type of bra.
(Yes. I Have Views about undergarments.)