Sorry, can't help you much with drunk stories - I fall asleep before getting drunk.
However, tiroche? The kosher-grape-juice? Something in it makes me very, very tipsy. Every Sedder is such a treat. I finished the last Sedder singing/screaming "One Who Knows". My family closed the windows while trying to shush me up.
Ack, Deena. That is scary.
Me, the most interesting drunkenness I have ever had was at the Madison F2F, so I have no stories I'm embarrassed about.
On the other hand, there is something that happened to a friend of mine that never fails to make me feel better about myself.
So, I went to a very conservative college, more or less like the one that vw did not thrive at. One of my male friends there, he told me this one. He'd procrastinated doing laundry one time, so ran out of clean underwear. Having the choice between going commando or wearing repeats, he went commando. About half way through the morning he realized that the reason he was getting odd looks from people is that he had also utterly failed to zip his zipper.
I think the really drunk times stopped happening when alchol became very unpredictable in my system. I hate getting sick -- and my body started saying -- hey stop -- way too late.
Now I can't get the wife home safe, What kind of caretaker am I????
I saw your segregated signs on facebook and thought they were awesome. That'll be the part of the day that lasts. The rest is just an unusually long trip home, with lots of people to keep you company.
Now I can't get the wife home safe, What kind of caretaker am I????
Can't get her home safe
You've still got the caretaking going on.
What kind of caretaker am I
a perfectly normal one. My sister came home drunk one time to find her boyfriend had injured himself and needed to be taken to the hospital. They had to call another friend to help them because she could not drive.
Yeah, pretty much not driving when you know you can't is the kind of care taking that... is.