Hil, Windsparrow, and ita, I hope you're both doing better this morning.
What Perkins said... except for the part where she's obviously playing secret favorites with two of you. What a meanie.
If anyone has any connections with big mucky-muck types at Trader Joe's, please tell them that they need to open a store in Denver. We have Wild Oats and Whole Foods, but they be expensive.
Hey Nicole - I was told it is the liquer laws in Colorado that are keeping TJ's from moving here - they booze section is such a part of their store.
Morning, Suzi. Tell CJ I hope he feels better soon. Are you both ready for snow again tomorrow?
I was told it is the liquer laws in Colorado that are keeping TJ's from moving here
Our Maryland TJ's have no booze, so they need another excuse not to come to Denver.
Oh, Sparky - interesting to know. HAH. TJ's needs to come here NOW!
Plus! We just changed our liquor laws.
Have I mentioned I have a migraine, and that Nicole is a BIG MEANIE HEAD?
Please people, no pain or less pain and peace today.
The day porn will include subtext, I'll know the world really went mental.
Shir, check this out: Subtext by Te.
Why is ER so cold? I had to keep my winter jacket on the entire time I was inside.
Maybe to keep the homeless people out?
I don't wanna go to work today. I want to stay home and be with Andi when she's ill.
Monday I got a check from the insurance company of the owner of the vehicle that destroyed mine, reimbursing me for my deductible.