The man candy in that movie (plus, Lisa Kudrow!) is enough to make me ignore the fact that Hillary Swank is one of the most unappealing female romantic leads on the planet.
I kind of forget that she's in it. Like I try to forget about the boat scene. I try to concentrate on all of the pub scenes, because JDM playing guitar and touching the tip of his tongue to his lip? GUH.
Heya, Bitches! I just read through at least 100 posts, but let me sum up. So thrilled that GC's presentation went well and that she is now done. Woot! Also, tons of job-ma for Tom and hugs for DJ's friend.
Count me in the "people are stupid" line this week. My students couldn't brane; they had the dumb. Vortex, I'm rolling my eyes at the early decision student. Seriously? Also, are you coming back to my school this year? I'd love to see you.
And crap, I know there was more, but I can't go back and check without losing this post on my phone, so I'll have to continue later.
I'm at the car wash right now. My poor car was in desperate need of some TLC. And then, in a few hours, I get to go pick up my mom at the airport! Yay! She's here to help us get Drew's business moved into the back house on the property, which is officially ours as of tomorrow. I am very excited that we will have a real guest room and some space in the main house again. Also, I'm really proud of Drew for working so hard for so many years and getting his business to this point. It's never easy money and comes with a tremendous amount of stress and sometimes absurdly long hours, but he's built a real reputation and has achieved success through his hard work. So just wanted to say that publically. Proud of you, baby.
OMG there are mini bullets for yoga toes now. AND, they're waterproof! [link] Hilarious!
Congrats for GC's successful presentation. Hope Tom had a great interview. Happy Birthday Chikat! (If I read that correctly). Belated Happies to Hil. Woot for ND and Pix.
DJ, sorry your friend is grieving right now.
Now I just need to weather the new economy and I'll be fine. So far it's been okay.
Why does everyone on freecycle type like 13 year olds? A depressing lack of punctuation, grammar and capitalization.
They already gave those away.
Joe Biden's sister, who is one of his closest advisors and lived with him and his boys for years after their mom died, is a graduate of my school. She spoke at my graduation!
I got to meet her the weekend before the election. She came to town and came to the local HQ. She's a tiny woman and very nice.
Yay, Drew!
I'm boggling at the mini-vibrators for yoga toes. They'd be useless on me-- I'd be giggling like a mad thing. I can't even get a pedicure without laughing my way through it and not necessarily in a good way.
Seriously, what kind of pushovers have they been dealing with that they think these kinds of excuses will fly?
They all teach at my school. Some of the stuff the teachers will accept makes me ill.
Can I join the "my students have been struck with the stoopid stick" club? I'm seriously starting to believe in de-evolution.
Drew, congrats. I'm so proud of all you have accomplished. I have to add, though, you lost your halo AGES ago.
Hugs, hair pats and snorgles to all.