Sooooo are we doing a dinner with amych thing on Sunday in the Mission is that still happening or whatever?
Yes, I think so. While I would love to go to Curry Up, P-Cow, I don't think my kids would be as into it. Could we just get some burritos on Valencia?
Anybody else available to meet up with Amych on Sunday 6 or 7ish in the Mission for eating drinking and merriment besides Sunil and various Zmayhemi?
Could we just get some burritos on Valencia?
I am always up for burritos on Valencia.
what awesome (transportation-adjacent) places should I take my BFF when she and I are there next month? She's never been, and for me it's been a while since I did fun stuff (as opposed to work, or being at a conference all weekend, etc)
Depends on what she likes to do, I expect. If she likes museums I just spent time recently at the DeYoung (with Tommyrot and Monica) and the Natural History Museum and they're both pretty cool.
Does she like fancy cocktails? Lots of places to try those.
Shoe shopping? Vintage? Foodie?
Outside of SF, there's always stuff like exploring Sausilito, or going up to Wine Country or the Redwoods. All within a an hour and a half drive.
I am always up for burritos on Valencia.
Excellent! Well, then let's get a headcount. Bay Area Localistas?
Hooray for burritos with SFistas!
I really want to. I am not sure I can swing it this weekend but I am going to try.
Sunday outing update? Or possibly inning... if, as it's starting to appear, it's going to be a small group, what about just hanging out Chez Zmayhem for neighborhood burritos or homemade pizza and cocktails and slounging with no proprietors wanting us to hurry up and finish and leave?
I'm afraid I won't make it, which is sad-making for me.
I hope you all have a great time.
I am good for things! I'd prefer not to stay too late, but I want to see people.
Well, phooey, Lee.
P-C, consider yourself penciled in for both things and people. Even if the people turns out to be just amych and you and us, it may be a small quantity but a whole lot of quality.