Orinoco and Teranga look interesting and good! Especially the latter. I've never been to an African restaurant. There is an Ethiopian place in Oakland that I should go to sometime, but I've never seen a Senegalese place before.
The South End is walking distance from the Back Bay, which is good. I don't really know where I'm going to be in the afternoon, but I ought to be able to get there.
I'll ALWAYS put in a vote for the Ethiopian restaurant in Central Square, Asmara, even better because they're right across the street from Rodneys Bookstore (used nirvana) and Pandemonium (SF books) both of which are open late on Fridays.
Oh, that reminds me, there's also an Ethiopian restaurant in the South End - Addis Red Sea (who also have a location in Porter Square in Cambridge): [link]
Never been there either.
Orinoco and Teranga look interesting and good!
Teranga looked really interesting to me, too. I've been dying to go to Orinoco for a while now, but I've heard the waits can be hellacious (and w/out much of a bar to offset the wait).
ooh, i wouldn't mind going to the place in Central.
we don't need to go to South End, I just always have fun there. Usually when I go to the Beehive (which is pretty large-2 floors- if we get there early enough we should be able to get a table without much drama). They also have an awesome grilled cheese and shortrib sandwich.
So I vote for Asmara, the Beehive, or Terenga.
Ooh, I'd definitely go for the Beehive. But any of the three are OK. Lord knows there's plenty of food in Central Square if we need to reconsider.
What's everybody's timetable? I get out between 4 and 4:30 usually, depending on what time I get in on Friday.
My course will be done, so I should be free whenever. I'd prefer meeting earlier to later, as I will be meeting up with the friend I'm staying with for the weekend afterward. I have a T pass, so I can make it into Central Square no problem. In fact, I'm going up to Cambridge for dinner tomorrow night.
Let's do Asmara in Central-- it will be much more low key than the Beehive.
I can be there by 5:30.
It's been ages since I had Ethiopian food!
It's been ages since I had Ethiopian food!
No utensils, right? Just the bread.
ETA, Asmara works for me if it works for others. I just fear the South End crowd-wise on a Friday evening for some of the places I listed.
There is an Ethiopian place in Oakland that I should go to sometime, but I've never seen a Senegalese place before.
No recs for Boston, natch, but I think I've been to this place in Oakland with Buffistas, and it was teh yum. You should go when you get home, P-C.