Hee. But he has a MAGIC MONOCLE that lets him see THINGS UNSEEN.
Dear Steampunk Peoples,
Many of you feel you need to have an entirely made-up persona to dress extravagantly. THE GOTHS DON'T FEEL THIS WAY. We just dress up.
(And I say this as someone who has LARPed and would cheerfully join another LARP if I could be assured that Certain Stupid People wouldn't be part of it)
Nice. My favorite bit in the Post video is Jilli's "My first book..."
Watching SteampunkMonocle was actually painful for me.
Many of you feel you need to have an entirely made-up persona to dress extravagantly. THE GOTHS DON'T FEEL THIS WAY. We just dress up.
Pshaw. I bellow orders when I'm Commodore von Hochtritt.
Wait. I bellow orders all the time.
Thanks, Nora! I had a dim memory it wasn't quite on the main drag in Central Square from something I read about it.
Oh, I do remember the "Goth on Tuesdays?" conversation! I would love to catch up with you folks and have a meal, I just don't know when.
She'll be pleased to be remembered. Apparently she also called Pete the "A" word (What? Okay, I might have mentioned it to her), but he didn't put her On The List. "A" word's only a problem in certain contexts?
Shall we exchange cell#'s? Or just chat at your table on Friday - sorta let you see the lay of the land before making plans? Or both?
She'll be pleased to be remembered. Apparently she also called Pete the "A" word (What? Okay, I might have mentioned it to her), but he didn't put her On The List. "A" word's only a problem in certain contexts?
Would the A word be a problem in the context of the 18th TONY photo? Because it really does spring to mind.
Or just chat at your table on Friday - sorta let you see the lay of the land before making plans?
Let's chat at the table on Friday, because I don't think we're going to be able to make any sort of plans before then.
I will note, however, that the NYPost.com video is so far the *only* visual proof I can offer that I was actually AT this damn thing. (You can kind of see my legs and hat behind a tree in the first pan across the crowd.) I should have begged Scola for a photo.
Err, sorry. You can see the back of your head in this picture, though.