Oh, I do remember the "Goth on Tuesdays?" conversation! I would love to catch up with you folks and have a meal, I just don't know when.
She'll be pleased to be remembered. Apparently she also called Pete the "A" word (What? Okay, I might have mentioned it to her), but he didn't put her On The List. "A" word's only a problem in certain contexts?
Shall we exchange cell#'s? Or just chat at your table on Friday - sorta let you see the lay of the land before making plans? Or both?
She'll be pleased to be remembered. Apparently she also called Pete the "A" word (What? Okay, I might have mentioned it to her), but he didn't put her On The List. "A" word's only a problem in certain contexts?
Would the A word be a problem in the context of the 18th TONY photo? Because it really does spring to mind.
Or just chat at your table on Friday - sorta let you see the lay of the land before making plans?
Let's chat at the table on Friday, because I don't think we're going to be able to make any sort of plans before then.
I will note, however, that the NYPost.com video is so far the *only* visual proof I can offer that I was actually AT this damn thing. (You can kind of see my legs and hat behind a tree in the first pan across the crowd.) I should have begged Scola for a photo.
Err, sorry. You can see the back of your head in this picture, though.
Let's chat at the table on Friday, because I don't think we're going to be able to make any sort of plans before then.
H. & I will see you then!
I lied! There I am! (Whew, not invisible.)
That's the prettiest picnic I ever saw.
Looking at the pics (okay, not just upon looking at the pics) I so wanted to be there.
And then I so wanted to be dressed enough to be there.
Yeah, after my initial "Oooo, I wish I could have been there!" reaction came the realization that I would have stuck out like a sore thumb in my cargo shorts and John Henry rayon shirts.