Thank you for making me feel very welcome at prom, even given my limited lurky-ness here. The fact that I ended up with SA talking Trek (both slash and non) for about 20 minutes in the middle - totally par-for-the course.
Seriously, highlight of my weekend was being able to talk nuts and bolts about Trek with you & Nestra. SO MUCH LOVE. Also, you totally owe me email on the subject!
his first words were a wrenching cri de coeur, "JZ! How are you? I JUST MISS EVERYONE SO MUCH."
So say we all!
I don't really explicitly link it, so you didn't miss anything obvious.
Man. I always considered Nestra this independent Dream-like entity. For years! I had no idea she was someone I knew!
Erk, sorry. I couldn't remember whether you went by your name or not on the board. I claim that fail.
Also, you totally owe me email on the subject!
I know, I know - but between OT at work, prepping for a long stay in Portland this weekend, and founding a Kinship in Lord of the Rings Online (don't get between the Geek and his Tolkien, there will be *trouble*) I've been pressed for time.
Email soon tho! I anticipate downtime on the train, with a laptop - I can compose, then fire it off when I get to my sister's house.
I couldn't remember whether you went by your name or not on the board.
It's okay. It's pretty obvious in the fanfic thread.
I've been pressed for time.
Forgiven! I just want more of your spicy brains. (I just finished reading "The Wounded Sky," and good lord the Scotty/K't'lk is RAMPANT. RAMPANT I SAY.
WAIT. You're coming to Portland this weekend?! May we have coffee or comestibles of your choice please?