I've been pressed for time.
Forgiven! I just want more of your spicy brains. (I just finished reading "The Wounded Sky," and good lord the Scotty/K't'lk is RAMPANT. RAMPANT I SAY.
WAIT. You're coming to Portland this weekend?! May we have coffee or comestibles of your choice please?
WAIT. You're coming to Portland this weekend?! May we have coffee or comestibles of your choice please?
I can make no promises: the purpose is Familial - my sister's birthday is the 4th. Work is closed on the 3rd (Federal observance), and being a contractor I'm unemployed on Friday no matter what, so I'm heading down to hang with the Fam for a couple of days.
However, I do have your email addy, and if I find some hours without Family-filled hijinks, I will drop you a note and we will sit and drink coffee and squee. Promise!
t waves at StuntHusband
Hallo! Wanted to say that I enjoyed your outfit and your dancing and that I'm sorry we didn't really get to chat. I get a weird case of the shy sometimes. But I plan to be back in Seattle in the next year or so (my brother is moving there in August) so perhaps we can rectify that. I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to go dancing with you and Jilli.
(I'm the bellydancer, since you may have heard my real name at the f2f, if any)
At the risk of sounding both ignorant and geeky. Who is Nestra. I thought nestra was a Linux thing.
Man. I always considered Nestra this independent Dream-like entity. For years! I had no idea she was someone I knew!
I feel a lot better now about announcing at Le Cheval (Spring of 2008) that I was really bummed that Megan Walker didn't show.
Hee! I think I was there, wasn't I? I went to Le Cheval with Buffistas at some point.
Yup, you were there. The joke was that so was Miss Walker! Only I only knew her by her email (real) name. So I was expecting two different peeps.
That will never not be funny.