Quoth meara: "Possibly to take down the vampire boy with the contacts and fancy goatee and fangs and long leather coat. Hee."
Oh - you mean Felix. *hee* I'm very gently directing him toward Club V; I do believe he likes German oontz music (being from Germany and all), so I may be successful.
I think he's...I almost used the "A" word, which might make a certain Reason squint at me in that way he has.
We shall see.
Amazon says my copy of GCS is somewhere in my town. Yay! I hope it made it into the delivery guy's hands before he set off on his rounds.
So I'm at a party right now, and I keep wanting to walk up to people and hug them at random. Dude. I forget that everyone isn't us.
I can't imagine that anyone's enjoyment of a party would fail to be improved by a Scola hug, so I say give in to the impulse.
It was 28.
Even better!! Sweet, 75% sold.
I can't imagine that anyone's enjoyment of a party would fail to be improved by a Scola hug, so I say give in to the impulse.
What if he were wearing a suit of armor?
Been to a lot of summer parties where platemail was the new Panama suit, have we?
It just glints so nicely in the sunshine!
Did I ever mention when I was living with the rugby dykes that I left for a weekend and came home to find them fully moved in, including a suit of armor in the dining room? Wild times.
We asked Lillian what she wanted to do this weekend. She suggested "Go to San Francisco?"
(P.S. Tell her I miss her.)
Smart as can be, that girl.
Matilda is wearing one of her dresses right now (the long-sleeved blue with buttons down the front) and looking very cute indeed. There may be a carousel ride in her near future.