I can only thank my lucky stars that the StuntHusband and the the pet DJ did not raise their hands.
Um, they went up but you gave them a look and they cackled... I think. Pretty sure. Maybe that was about clothing swaps. They did some minor heckling tho. Very entertaining.
So what question were you going to ask, Plei?
I honestly can't remember. I think I was going to be a smartass.
I can't wait 'til Friday!!
I believe I have come up with a question to ask.
I believe I have come up with a question to ask.
"How are you SO AWESOME?"
I believe I have come up with a question to ask.
If it's about what I would do if I could be invisible for a day, that one's been asked.
"How are you SO AWESOME?"
Blushing bright pink again, thanks!
I have a (what I hope) is a pretty good and realistic question that is borne of my own experience. I hope I have the noive to ask it on Friday!
If it's about what I would do if I could be invisible for a day, that one's been asked.
Hee. It is not. This one has also probably been asked, but I will ask it anyway because I am interested in the answer. Or maybe I will come up with something wacky.
I can't make it to ALL the events. This tease of a question is killing me. Yes, this is were the cat part of me (curiosity) really comes out... or is it just plain noseyness?