I believe I have come up with a question to ask.
If it's about what I would do if I could be invisible for a day, that one's been asked.
"How are you SO AWESOME?"
Blushing bright pink again, thanks!
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
I believe I have come up with a question to ask.
If it's about what I would do if I could be invisible for a day, that one's been asked.
"How are you SO AWESOME?"
Blushing bright pink again, thanks!
I have a (what I hope) is a pretty good and realistic question that is borne of my own experience. I hope I have the noive to ask it on Friday!
If it's about what I would do if I could be invisible for a day, that one's been asked.
Hee. It is not. This one has also probably been asked, but I will ask it anyway because I am interested in the answer. Or maybe I will come up with something wacky.
I can't make it to ALL the events. This tease of a question is killing me. Yes, this is were the cat part of me (curiosity) really comes out... or is it just plain noseyness?
If it's about what I would do if I could be invisible for a day, that one's been asked.
After I blushed and tried to hide my face, I said something like "Okay, fine, I'll be honest. If I could be invisible for a day, I'd probably go stalk My Chemical Romance".
I'd probably go stalk My Chemical Romance
Hee! They're going to end up stalking YOU.
well, you weren't really being honest were you? Because we all know that your stalking would be centered on Gerard Way.
Sure, but you'd be a nice stalker.
You'd sharpen their eyeliner when no one was looking and yell "BOO" at the more egregious fangirls.
I'd probably go stalk My Chemical Romance