Midnight on Tuesday, and I am home, after some twenty plus hours of travel which was blessedly uneventful. Apart from the moment at Seattle Airport where I got on the train thing to go to my gate, sat down, looked at THE EMPTY SPACE WHERE MY BOARDING CARDS WERE NO LONGER STICKING OUT OF MY PASSPORT, looked out through the window in horror to spot them on the floor where I'd been standing, said "FUCK!" very loudly (to the distress of the mother of the small boy next to me) and sprang to my feet just as the doors closed.
...Two minutes later the train had done its circuit of the gates and I was back at the spot where my boarding cards had fallen.
They, alas, were not.
Cue definite brink-of-tears-ness, because I was already feeling v. tired and emotional, and the prospect of my flight home being in any way fucked up was made of fail.
Happily, for once the sitcom that is my life did not deliver a serious kick in the arse, and instead when I got to the gate and started to beg for help, the lady at the counter handed over the boarding cards, which someone had evidently picked up and handed in.
So that was that. Well, other than opening my mailbox in the expectation of finding the key to my apartment and...not finding the key to my apartment. And having to wake up my neighbour and say "Hi! Um...sorry, but - key?" and he was all "It's in your mailbox" and I was all "...but, I just looked" and it all looked a bit rubbish, and like I'd be sleeping on his floor. And so I went back downstairs and searched it again, and found the key in the darkest shadowiest spot at the back of the mailbox. So I needn't have woken the poor man up at all. Bad Fay. No cookie.
...oh, fucking POLAR BEAR. I don't like being on the other side of the planet. Stupid polarbearing geography! I miss you people! I love you like Winchesters.
...to a classic rock soundtrack?
... as written by a semi-crazy person, and astonished to find out what is posted online?
t /obligatory "Monster At The End Of This Book" ref
as written by a semi-crazy person, and astonished to find out what is posted online?
Hee. Speaking of which, Fay, I did eventually find that bit with me. Which was quite much off screen indeed. And very much NOT the scene SA and I initially thought. But does make the "oooh, read it outloud" mistake all the much funnier. Heheheheh.
Am currently in the Spokane airport, killing time, as I arrived in plenty of time for an earlier flight which turns out to be full. BUT, it does look like I'll get home in time to attend Jilli's book thing!! (So maybe I can meet Omnis' people in person, heyyyy...)
I landed in Richmond to find my luggage destroyed. I would have been more upset if I'd lost anything inside the bag, but it was all okay; there was just a huge rip in one side and the handle was dangling uselessly. AirTran gave me a voucher for my next flight (with them, of course; sneaky polar bears). They don't "accept liability" for soft-sided luggage, so wouldn't give me actual money. Whatever. I was going to get rid of that bag ANYWAY.
Then I got home to find that the catsitter had closed the door to the bathroom with Wilson still inside. There's a litterbox in there, so I don't know why she closed it; force of habit probably. Wilson was hiding in a dark corner, but I've learned to search dark places extra carefully for him; he's black and seems to know it. Poor kitty; he doesn't handle stress well. He was all right though; he had the box and water and was probably only in there less than a day. Next time I'm going away I'll leave "check for both cats before you leave" signs on the door.
Man, it's hard to focus on work.
my animals did *not* get the memo about allowing me to sleep. Last night and the night before i have been awoken by evil kitten doing the scratchy thing that bodes imminent urination. First night i immediately airlifted him to the bathroom and locked him in, which left me with the rest of the night full of Nico being a total jerk. Last night i spirited *both* into the bathroom and then slept very well indeed.....until i woke up with damp feet and realized that the bladder of doom was released before i locked kitties in the bathroom. *sigh* about 6 hours of soak time, there goes my mattress.
Hey SF-area folks!
Pete and I are going to be in Burlingame on Friday. (A Gothic Charm School reading at Books Inc. at 7PM!) Perkins very cleverly reminded me that I had not actually posted anything about this in this thread.