So I have filled out the Fucking Paperwork, which took all of two minutes, did NOT need my credit card details (as the guys at the airport had insisted it did) and which does NOT need to be printed out and handed over (as the guys at the airport insisted that it did) and allegedly, I am now legally permitted to enter the USA.
Pity my plane is half way to Taipei, really. Without me.
Excitingly, although it would not cost much for me to get my ticket changed, there is no flight to Seattle tomorrow with my airline. So I'd have to hang on until Friday for that.
Because, yes, of course that would happen. That is how my life works.
However I'm not going to burst into tears (although I'd quite like to) and instead I'm going to go back to the Fucking Airport, as my travel agent says that is the best idea, and that I can buy a brand new enormously expensive ticket from United Airlines, who DO have a flight tomorrow.
Meanwhile I can get my original ticket mostly refunded, apparently (thank Christ), although it will take a month for them to give me the money. So I'm not going to be eating much next month, but that's good because I've piled on a load of weight this term. Silver lining, and all that. Also, I already had decided that I wasn't going to fly back to the UK for the summer holiday.
Okay. Right. Well, I could really use a fucking hug, or at least a stiff drink, but in lieu of either I'm going to square my shoulders and set off back to the bloody airport to try to sort this shit out.
...okay, no, strike that - travel agent just forwarded me phone number for UA; I phoned them, they say that I CAN buy a ticket in the morning, at 4am, but not now, as ticket agents not there now.
So, okay.
...he couldn't tell me what the ticket will cost, only that it's probably more expensive to do it this way than via a travel agent, which - I've kind of gone all reckless and gladiatorial now, so, what the hell. Please God it isn't LOTS more expensive than my guy quoted me. I'm sort of numb now.
Okay. Right. Well, if I get up at 2am I can be at the airport by 3am, which gives me plenty of time to find the ticket agents, stake them out, and get the motherfucking ticket.
...of course, the last time I walked down my Soi at 2am, I got bitten by one of the street dogs, and had to have a 6 month long course of injections.
Oh, joy.
snags Food by Phone book and orders chocolate-covered bananas. And vodka. Lots of vodka.