Huh. Anyone interested in Star Trek?
Yes, but I suspect we both own copies of all the same books!
Jaeger is so many terrible college memories rolled into one disgusting taste.
Mostly I'm just looking forward to seeing people I haven't seen in years! The last f2f I was involved in was the one in SF, but because I was, you know, graduating from college, I came the day after it ended. It was sad, except for the parts where it was awesome.
SA! I didn't realize you were going to be there. Though I should have. Now I've got extra YAAY!
Me too!!!!! I don't think I've seen you since I lived in Chicago. God, that was ages ago.
I would love some Star Trekky goodness, but suspect the good books you probably want to hold on to. :)
Pfft, they were like a dollar at Powell's. I can part with the ones I've already re-read, Meara, if you'd like 'em.
I'm not giving away the good ones. *g* They're not bad, though. They're just something to read.
At the risk of furthering a tangent, I'm halfway through Vulcan's Glory right now and gosh Number One was awesome.
Hah. I'm mostly looking for TOS ones that I read at one point and have forgotten since, but everyone reminded me of in the bingeing on new movie....
SA! I was just thinking about you -- clearing out the hideous mess that is our bedroom, I found your little present for Matilda and the sealed letter addressed to her on the occasion of her 13th birthday. Both will be on prominent, enticing yet not quite accessible display, to give her life a touch of mystery and secret benefactors and all that good stuff.