Oh, I am supposed to pass on the message from my pet DJ that he is Very Cross with you people that Prom will be keeping me away from the usual Saturday night gothy club. But that he understands, and hopes we all have fun.
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
Who wants to be my dessert buddy?
Aw, shoot, I totally would, but I'll probably still be packing.
Speaking of packing (or, in this case, not), is it safe to assume that multiple Seattleistas own Lilo & Stitch and Matilda and I can leave our own copy at home? She currently needs to see it at least once a week and is now in fact a couple of days overdue, but there's always a risk in taking it out of the house.
(Also, javachik needs to see it. Really, really needs to see it.)
Thank you for thinking of me, JZ! I'll likely watch that lovely-reputed film on my own at some point. I am just not a watch-tv-with-others kind of gal. Unless it's sports. But I am very weird about movies - I get super annoyed with people who talk during movies, for instance, which means I am better suited to non-group viewing. And also? I really want to talk with y'all when I see you, and I see 2 hours of movie as time where that can't happen...
I know I'm going to be enchanted with it, and it's currently #3 in the Netflix queueueueueueue.
Speaking of packing (or, in this case, not), is it safe to assume that multiple Seattleistas own Lilo & Stitch and Matilda and I can leave our own copy at home?
Yes. The House o' Reason copy is at your disposal.
I think I can fit everything I need into my carryon. Now, am I content with only packing things I need?
JZ, we have a copy. And the TV is in the room where you'll be sleeping.
Who wants to be my dessert buddy?
Aw, shoot, I totally would, but I'll probably still be packing.
Oh, it looks like the dessert stuff she was referring to is on Capitol Hill. So maybe we can still be dessert buddies at some point.
Heh. Yes, the dessert is on Cap Hill. As someone said, when after the duelling ice cream and custard places opened, the plans for teh cupcake place are in place, adn the chicken and waffles place opened, "it's a conspiracy to get the hipsters fat, and out of their skinny jeans!"
Plei and I also thought and conspired that people should bring books to read on teh plane TO seattle, dump them in the hospitality suite, adn trade books to read for the plane HOME from seattle...
Plei and I also thought and conspired that people should bring books to read on teh plane TO seattle, dump them in the hospitality suite, adn trade books to read for the plane HOME from seattle...
Huh. Anyone interested in Star Trek?
Plei and I also thought and conspired that people should bring books to read on teh plane TO seattle, dump them in the hospitality suite, adn trade books to read for the plane HOME from seattle...
I'm bringing a book.