Note that on that email they say they are also now charging for checked bags
On that tip, do any SFistas want to band together and send things to the hotel? I was planning to ship Teh Booze, just so I don't ave to check a bag. (With Drew & Pix on one side of the HospSuite, and Vortex and I on the other, There Will Be Booze. And Shenanigans. And Tasty Things For Them What Don't Want Booze. Yes.)
On that tip, do any SFistas want to band together and send things to the hotel? I was planning to ship Teh Booze, just so I don't ave to check a bag.
I have not booked a ticket yet, but I'm more than likely going to be flying Southwest, which does not charge for checked bags. So I could smuggle some booze and/or shenanigans in my luggage or something.
I'm flying Alaska Air as well. (Laga is stalking me!). But I'm not that good with baggage. So, I'm trying to keep it to the one rolly-polly one, plus knapsack.
Technically, you're stalking me. I get in 16 minutes before you.
Conveniently, I live in Seattle, and will not be smuggling anything, but only driving it a mile in my car. HAHAHAHAH.
Conveniently, I live in Seattle, and will not be smuggling anything, but only driving it a mile in my car. HAHAHAHAH.
I will be plotting how to keep Fay IN Seattle? Yes, that's it.
Hey L.A. types! Please tell me about Book Soup bookstore?
t /vaugely cryptic
Are we on the same flights (Thurs eve-Sun eve)?
Are we keeping a tally? Ellen and I are booked for Friday and Sat.
Are we on the same flights (Thurs eve-Sun eve)?
Thurs., yes, Sun., no. I'm leaving Monday. I need a break from this whirlwind pace of unemployment.