What we have done in the past is set a bar for how much money we need to raise and then collect based on that. Some folks can afford to give a lot, some can give a little.
It sounds like one way or another we are committed to $1650, then there is the possibility of the hospitality suite if we don't hit 40 room nights, and we'll want a few bucks for stocking the hospitality suite with food.
My thinking is that we set a mark of $2000 that we are looking to collect and folks can start sending in money. If we've got the $1650 collected then we'll spend some on food, some on non-boozy drinks, and some on a pre-paid bar until we've spent the $1650. One way or another we need to give the hotel that much money.
If we have 50 people attending, $2000 averages out to $40 per person if folks want to think of it that way.
Thanks for breaking that down, ND. I can send in a little more than that on Thursday.
Oo! 50 people. That's awesome. Once I pay rent & utilities, I can paypal.
50 people is merely a number used for an example. We don't have any firm numbers yet.
It's nice to have a rough guide, though.
Yes, 50 is just a best guess based on numbers I've seen in previous years. I handled the money one year and some folks send more than the average, some less, and some folks that didn't even attend sent money for the F2F. It's usually worked out that we just post how much we've raised and make sure we've got enough.
We pretty much broke even last year within a dollar or two of what everyone contributed. It works out in the end.
Also, could a stompy post a link to hotel info in the header? We've actually gotten our shit together, but I know that plenty of times in the past, I've had to search the thread or sheepishly ask for the link one more time. :)
Reiterating this request. Hotel Monaco Seattle, address is www.monaco-seattle.com
Thanks, Stompies!!
Yes, 50 is just a best guess based on numbers I've seen in previous years.
For the record, I've been using 40, which is the same as the NOLA F2F. Obviously, I'm hoping for more than that, but what with the economy, etc., I thought it best to lowball.
Grr. I fooled around trying to find a coupon and didn't buy one of my tickets and now it's gone up $30. Dammit.