Yes, 50 is just a best guess based on numbers I've seen in previous years.
For the record, I've been using 40, which is the same as the NOLA F2F. Obviously, I'm hoping for more than that, but what with the economy, etc., I thought it best to lowball.
Grr. I fooled around trying to find a coupon and didn't buy one of my tickets and now it's gone up $30. Dammit.
Assuming 40 that just bumps the number up to $50 average per person.
I was still planning to send in a bit more than that. So: cool.
Thank you to those who have sent in money, those who are planning to, and Plei for updating the info. I'll be acknowledging the PayPal notifications as/when I get them, but as I am un/under-employed, I sometimes spend a wee bit (like 48 hours or so) away from the computer. If you haven't gotten an email from me by then, feel free to nudge me.
Does two people sharing a room count as one room night or two?
It helps that we are coming early, and I am staying Sunday night too Laga.
Sorry about posting in Beep Me, ita--I didn't realize what thread I was in!!
Brenda, what time and where?