But you were probably used to it. Fay's coming from Bangkok - the tropics.
This. When I lived in Scotland, it cracked me up to see my friend's Californian relations wrapped in sweaters and scarves and coats as we were enjoying what was, in our world, a nice bright Spring day. But it's all a case of what you're used to.
It took a minute to realize, but obviously you mean 42 C. That is just horrifying to me. I can't take much about 30 without getting discombobulated from the heat.
Yes - it's pretty hardcore, and it's year-round - I mean, 42 is extreme, but it's never less than low to mid 30s, I'd say, and the 'Cool Season' is characterised by the fact that it's tolerable to have the A/C switched off for sometimes an hour or more at a time. Which means that gradually my sense of what's normal, clothingwise, has shifted - you NEVER need a cardigan, let alone a jacket or coat, and you never need anything on your legs - most people wear flipflops year-round, and they're arguably the most sensible choice but I eschew them because they are (1) not pretty and (2) not comfortable. But if you're wading knee-deep down a street in the middle of a monsoon, feeling your satin ballet pumps being destroyed but reluctant to go barefoot over the God Knows What, you do find yourself appreciating the wisdom of the rubber flipflop wearers...
(And I'm not a sun lover either, so I stay indoors A LOT.)
...God, sorry, this is so dull and self-involved! Thank you for your patience with the trying-to-help-me-get-my-head-around-the-weather thing! We return you to your regularly-scheduled F2F talk.