I'll be in Boston for Passover then, but have fun!
'The Cautionary Tale of Numero Cinco'
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
I am working Saturday the 30th. A lunch downtown I could make, maybe. Even Findlay (bahm mi?).
Hey flea, do you all know your plans for this Saturday in Nashville yet?
A lunch downtown I could make, maybe. Even Findlay (bahm mi?).
Oooh, Pho Lang Thang. Their noodle salad is awesome.
Taking to email, Kate.
(Also, for the record I can spell bahn mi. I just can't type at 6am.)
Sounds delicious!!
I a[[arently also can't typoe at 11am. For this one I eliberately left all ym topes in. I ususally coorrect all of these.
t pedant
banh mi
t /pedant
Nora just made me LOL
Quietly because I'm at work, but that was beautiful.
I am now wishing for a universal pedant tag.