That's my primary use of "Howdy!" too!
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
I've kept "hiya" from my MI days. Which leads to "Hiya! How're all y'all."
Hiya was my first word. (I was a friendly child until the world ground me down, apparently.) I use howdy and y'all a lot and I have no genuine right to do so, other than spending a lot of time around friends from Missouri and Kansas (SCA).
Howdy and y'all are inclusive! You can totally use them, it's ok!
Hear hear. Using y'all from a totally different continent.
You GUYS! I had a MARIA! You all are jelly, I know,
So, I get this random text asking if I'm around Tuesday night. Turns out that she was in Mass and didn't want to drive back to PA that night. So, she decided to stop in Hartford. (and do you know that she had the nerve to suggest staying at a hotel? To paraphrase, "Hotels are for people without friends")
Had a lovely evening introducing her to my favorite Italian place in Hartford, then back to my place for (more) wine and chatting in jammies. Because I am old and had work the next day, we went to bed early (for us, usually we're up until 3AM).
But it was AWESOME. And we need to send lots of ~ma her way that she gets this customer and will be around more often. And our other NE-istas will be able to see her too!
We all really need more Buffista F2F time in 2017.
Oh my yes!
I'm starting to plan Scolapalooza II. I've scheduled 3/24-4/9 off from work.
My current plan is:
- Train ride to Baltimore, Thursday evening, 3/23, or Friday 3/24.
- (long) train ride to North Carolina. amyth has already offered a room to stay.
- Plane ride to Cincinnati
- Chicago? New Orleans?
- San Francisco, probably on 4/3, my birthday.
- Los Angeles
It's mostly all up in the air at this point, and any offers for a place to stay would be appreciated.
Plane ride to Cincinnati
Yay! (I woke the dog up by yelling "YES!" just now.)