Had a lovely brunch with Nanita and am about to head over the race expo. Sylvie and I will be getting dinner later this evening (6:30ish, maybe?), but I don't know where yet. Tom, I'll text you.
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
Lunch at Saha's at 2 tomorrow. Sylvie is making a reservation, so let her know if you plan to come and haven't RSVP'd. We know Tom is coming and Sean is a maybe if he is back from his trip in time. JZ and Hec, are you and Matilda coming?
So sorry to miss you all! Enjoy chewing for me.
Zmayhemi have a bday party obligation to attend. Sorry we can't come!
Sorry to miss you! I'm on my way to the airport and back to Pasadena after a couple of great days. So good to see Nanita, Sylvie, Tom, Juliana and M! I had a slow race, but I got it done and finished the marathon course.
I'm trying to figure out if one long post or several short posts are better -- and settling on coast-specific posts as an easy way to organize. So here goes the West Coast.
1. SFistas: I will be in your beautiful city from 9/10 through 9/16 for Updraft-related events.
These are:
- 9/10 - Why There Are Words - Sausalito - [link] 7pm
- 9/12 - Writers With Drinks - [link] 7:30pm
- 9/15 - Borderlands for Greg Van Eekhout's book launch [link]
(btw, the August Writers With Drinks is going to be amazing too)
Nanita is kindly hosting me and, in addition to the public events, she's opening her house to a Buffista Brunch on Sunday, 9/13 from 12-3. I'm thinking for headcount RSVPs would be a good idea. More soon on that.
2. SD-istas - I'll be here from 9/16 to 9/20, and at Mysterious Galaxy with Greg Van Eekhout and Adam Rakunas on 9/19 at 2pm.
3. Seattleistas - I'm here from 9/20-9/22, reading at University Bookstore on 9/21 (more info to come). Would love to see you.
East Coast is more complicated. Philly-area-istas, I should have you on the book of face, but if not, ping me if you want to know what's happening.
1. Atlanta & DragonCon-istas - 9/4-97 - Going (AMYCH)? come find me! I have a reading, signing, and a panel each at DC and at the Dekatur Book Festival.
2. DC-istas - 9/24 - I'm speaking at the Library of Congress on at noon. Hopefully staying at Sparky's that night (I should ask her, hmmmm...)
3. Baltimore-istas - 9/25-27 - Baltimore Book Festival Weekend - [link] - schedule's not live yet, but I'm around all weekend and would love to see you.
4. NYC-istas - still firming up early October, but on 10/21, I'll be reading at KGB bar and hanging out a bit in the city.
5. MA, CT, VT, & ME-istas second & third weeks in October, it looks like I'm heading your way... details coming soon but would love to visit with you, schedule permitting.
I know I'm forgetting something....
5. MA, CT, VT, & ME-istas second & third weeks in October, it looks like I'm heading your way... details coming soon but would love to visit with you, schedule permitting.
Writers with Drinks sounds very enticing.
Writers with Drinks sounds very enticing.
you should come!