I say let's go for it!
F2F5: I forget that everyone isn't us
Plan what to do, what to wear (you can never go wrong with a corset), and get ready for the next BuffistaCon.
I'm all for the Monaco but I'm trying to wrap my head around whether $10 off per night and a Entertainment Minimum raised by $500 was actually an improved deal. This is what I said in post 982 -
Well, raising the minimum by $500 is the equivalent to $12.50 per room night based on 40 room nights. So, you'd want a room rate drop of $20 before it's worth it.
Still, as I said, Monaco FTW.
I'm trying to wrap my head around whether $10 off per night and a Entertainment Minimum raised by $500 was actually an improved deal.
Yes, because we'll probably meet the $2000 anyway, based on previous figures and figures I have from my own parties. Provided, of course, 30 or more people come.
rock on, i type from my phone!
Yes, because we'll probably meet the $2000 anyway, based on previous figures and figures I have from my own parties. Provided, of course, 30 or more people come.
Fair enough.
Now that all of this surgery business is out of the way, I just may be coming to F2F. I'd most likely bring sprog, but they are of a) older and fairly interesting conversation age and b) very capable of entertaining younger sprog as they are very non-judgmental on the age thing.
Hmm... need to ponder more, but dang, I'd love to come.
Flights aren't supposed to get any cheaper, are they?.. I'm thinking of buying my ticket tomorrow... or should I wait and find out if I can get a deal on flight + hotel?
Go on, Barb! Do it! Do it!
You won't be able to get the lowered Buffista hotel rate combined with a flight, Laga, so I'd say buy the flight now.
Barb, you should come! The Prom itself is definitely not kid friendly after the first hour or so, but your sprog are old enough to entertain themselves in the room that night or babysit. Plus, F2Fs are more fun than should be allowed!
YES, BARB. I have not yet met sprog, and would be enchanted to do so. COME. It will be a great excuse to get dressed up the way you love so much!