I had the saddest email exchange with someone on my mailing list this afternoon.
I sent out an announcement about a workshop I'm doing next week entitled, "And Now What?" [partial text from the promo]
What an amazing and challenging time we are living in, eh?
So much to hope for, so much to work toward.
Tuesday night I was swept away by the power of that simple phrase, 'Yes We Can!' But do you know what is even MORE powerful? Claiming your right and responsibility by proclaiming, 'Yes, I AM!'
* Yes, I AM making a plan to make the best of the rest of my life.
* Yes, I AM gathering the resources and tools I need to do well during hard times.
* Yes, I AM focusing my attention and talents on my commitment to happiness.
The responder said that she didn't know me and didn't vote for Obama, so I wrote back assuring her that I meant no offense and that I just think we all have some work to do to be our best in what will surly be challenging times.
She replied again that is seems like everyone thinks everyone was for Obama and it's as if 'the rest of us don't exist'. She went on to say that the market plunge today is proof that Obama is bad for the economy.
I was a bit gobsmacked. And I feel really sorry for her. I remember how I felt in 2000 and 2004. But, really? Two days after the election...two months before he has any actual power, Obama is bad for the economy. Not the lack of oversight and rampant greed has screwed into the ground? Really?
Timelies all!
I need to add The Inlaws to my Netflix list.(along with many, many other things. My queue is about 100 disks and it could easily be triple that)
Last minute appointments aside, I'm struck by how graciously Bush appears to be reaching out to the Obamas. I especially liked Laura's invite to Michelle and the girls, because it is going to be such a transition for them. But who wouldn't want to invite them over ?!!
She went on to say that the market plunge today is proof that Obama is bad for the economy.
I was a bit gobsmacked. And I feel really sorry for her. I remember how I felt in 2000 and 2004. But, really? Two days after the election...two months before he has any actual power, Obama is bad for the economy. Not the lack of oversight and rampant greed has screwed into the ground? Really?
Oh, yeah, the market dropping had NOTHING to do with the unemployment figures that came out today. @@
Yahoo news blamed the market drop on the election too.
Two days after the election...two months before he has any actual power, Obama is bad for the economy.
Well, that's drawing long-term conclusions, but sure, I'm willing to believe the market went down in response to the election. The stock market is all based on bullshit and feelings.
You guys! Obama was in my building today. But I found out while stuck on a conference call. And from someone
the call, so not much room to make a bullshit excuse and go stalk the lobby.
I believe Mr. President qualifies as an official shitweasel, no, JZ?
Oh god, why now? I've been away from the interwebs.
Loki is ridiculous.
I was lying on the bed and my stomach growled. He started and had to thoroughly investigate, poking my stomach and trying to get under my shirt. If that wasn't funny enough, I then farted and he attacked my ass. I was giggling until I cried.
It is almost completely dark here at 5:00. I'm not loving the northern climes.
Oh god, why now? I've been away from the interwebs.
He named Lee Greenwood to the National Endowment for the Arts.
Six years of Mr. "God Bless the U.S.A."
On the upside, Obama gets to appoint the next chair for the Council.