Voting on Prop 8, broken down by age group:
Vote by Age
Yes No
18-29 (20%) 39 61
30-44 (28%) 55 45
45-64 (36%) 54 46
65+ (15%) 61 39
kos sez:
That's why the Mormon Church and their bigoted allies are so desperate in this fight. Young people aren't afraid of the gays. They're on the losing side of history.
And I'm not just ready for this fight, I'm eager for it.
Proposition 8
The only argument I've ever seen convince conservative friends is actually an economic/self-interest one. That is, in general, public policy supports marriage because it benefits society to have stable relationships and stable families. Having more people married can only further this agenda.
The Gay Agenda
The Straight Agenda? Oh Noez!!
I wonder which state will be the first to have movement to remove the word marriage from government processes?
I'd love for it to be NY - "Legal Union" license has a nice ring to it.
The NYT is doing another print run of today's paper: [link]
Just got a call from a scientist at the Paris Observatory congratulating me on my new president. His toddler was yelling OBAMA! in the background, and he said she definitely needed to go to bed was very excited about OBAMA!, though she didn't really understand what it was all about.
He said all the scientists were very relieved and hopeful.
The starburst thing is from a Rich Lowry Palin column, that, thanks to Keith, makes me read "Rich Lowry" and think "Ew...that perv!"
Love America...hate Arizona.
But that's nothing new.
Sometimes, its worth reading the Salon letters:
Yeah, once the Ewoks have stopped dancing they've got to get down to the business of goverment. But, y'know, it's not been a day yet, so for now: yub nub and fuck you. has a great graphic on the front page that goes through several screens showing how things changed from 2004. What is going on in Arkansas that they are the biggest shift to voting more Republican?
Well, that didn't take long. Abby was called a terrorist lover at school today.
They really like Huckabee?