What a nice birthday present I have today.
But not as nice as Nilly, Sox, Gadget Girl, Shir and Laura all giving my birthday wishes.
Ms Havisham and I watched the returns all night, and stayed up for Obama's acceptance speech. Feels good to like listening to a president(-elect) again rather than waiting for the latest screwup...
Someone's already started it I think, Trudy.
But we passed the line where we needed him the moment the returns on Warner came in. Whether they'll actually so anything about it is another question.
Saxby may be facing a run-off, depending on what the next few hours bring.
Speaking of dresses, I still can't get past that black wraparound thing Michelle Obama had on her dress last night. She would have looked so much better without it. (shallow, I know)
It was an unfortunate dress.
Hope on Prop 8
I sincerely hope that is the case. It just seems odd to me that you can amend the constitution with a simple majority.
Hope on Prop 8
I like this quote: It will have to be litigated but we will prevail.
CNN is still saying MO is too close to call, but leaning to McCain. The difference seems to be 6,000 votes.
I'm cheering myself up by watching the French news. Given that it is not a "smiley" culture, it's nice to see the obvious glee of those reporting on the elections.