Good for Robbins for sticking to his guns, but how many didn't and that's just wrong. There was a woman in line who wasn't sure if she was in the right precinct because she'd just moved. We sent her to the judges, and saw her leaving later. I have no idea if she got to vote, or was sent to another voting location or what. It bugged me because when I got out of my car she asked "is this where people can vote?" She WANTED to cast a vote, but clearly was unfamiliar with the process. Oh, and there was briefly a guy in front of me who hadn't voted in this hood before and thought he was at the high school. When I saw his sample ballot, I saw he wasn't the 27th or 28th (he was asking me about something else) and let him know his polling place was up the road, not here (both are at schools maybe 4 blocks apart. Mine's a middle.) He was grateful.
Problem is that in Md, you can't cast a provisional in not-your-precinct (hopefully that changes with this election!) so if you go to the wrong place for whatever reason, you are SOL. And yeah, I'd like voters to educate themselves beforehand, many, like that woman, made the effort. And that's all that should matter. She could've stayed home; she didn't. Her vote should count.