I'm just gonna keep posting stuff from Weingarten's chats while I listen to the radio. So there!
One sunny day in 2009 an old man approached the White House from across Pennsylvania Avenue, where he'd been sitting on a park bench. He spoke to the U.S. Marine standing guard and said, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine looked at the man and said, "Sir, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The old man said, "Okay" and walked away. The following day, the same man approached the White House and said to the same Marine, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine again told the man, "Sir, as I said yesterday, Mr. Bush is no longer president and no longer resides here." The man thanked him and, again, just walked away. The third day, the same man approached the White House and spoke to the very same U. S. Marine, saying, "I would like to go in and meet with President Bush." The Marine, understandably agitated at this point, looked at the man and said, "Sir, this is the third day in a row you have been here asking to speak to Mr. Bush. I've told you already that Mr. Bush is no longer the president and no longer resides here. Don't you understand?" The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it." The Marine snapped to attention, saluted, and said, "See you tomorrow."
The old man looked at the Marine and said, "Oh, I understand. I just love hearing it."
Although, I have to wonder which president it was originally about -- FDR??
I love political watch n post. And that story rocked.
Mitch McConnell is losing in Kentucky. YES!
CNN has him back in front. Still mighty close, though.
Hmph. The New York Times doesn't consider GA a key state. We are SO key!
And how badly do we need to reinforce the idea that foreign policy belongs to the conservatives? I mean, seriously. Why would you do that?
Yes, thank you.
Colin Powell's well and good, but there are plenty of people the Dems can tap who are
They're not as widely known right now because they've been out of power for eight years.
Powell might've been a voice of reason and integrity
within the context of the Bush administration
but I haven't seen any evidence of his absolute mastery of diplomacy or statecraft or strategy.
Fuck it. I want the people that Clinton had running FEMA back running FEMA. The Republicans had a majority in Congress and the White House and they fucked things up mightily. When Clinton left office we had a freakin' surplus. Dems were better at diplomacy, foreign affairs finance and were better for business.
Ha! That's why I just came here rather than going to any of the news sites.
OMG, I know it'll never last this way, but with 1% reporting in Florida, the MSNBC map read Obama 48%, McCain 34%.
Oh, frabjous day... (or moment).
VT goes to Obama. Are we shocked, or are we very shocked?