My first thought this morning was, "I hope America doesn't make Laura cry today."
I'm a big old pile of mush today. Got misty listening to the report about Obama's grandmother. I expect tears to flow before the call tonight.
But I forgot about tears of joy and relief. Also, a few subtle, good humored fist pumps of "I told you so!" in the direction of her good friends and neighbors who've been giving her the needle for her liberal ways.
I am hoping that Nate Silver is freaking awesome at his job.
I am hoping that Nate Silver is freaking awesome at his job.
Since everyone who does that job has been coming to pretty much the same conclusions, I'm hopeful. On the other hand, none of them is as awesome as Nate at being my secret internet boyfriend.
Nate's final projection on the Senate is 57 for the Dems. That's plenty good for me.
Giddyup, PA, OH, FL, VA and CO! Make it happen, bay-bee!
JZ's already out the door to take Matilda with her to the voting booth.
Yay! all done! the line is now out to the street.
Oh & there was a cameraman from one of the stations filming the lines the first half hour.
Puppy cam has been adjusted! We can now see outside the box.
Safe travels today, Perkins. I hope we have a president by the time you land, too. (Michelle says "Hi")
Those pups have really grown. They're really looking like Shibas now and not generic balls of fluff.
I am going out to vote around noon
I had a dream the other night that I went back to Delaware to vote because they had early voting and it was considered to be a swing state. My polling place was the Concord Mall (where my friends & I hung out in highschool) and the line went down 202 about 3 miles. I was talking to people at the end of the line and they were all voting for Obama so I decided I could vote in Maryland instead.