Bad timing to the max (and bad taste):
Perhaps the most ill-timed press release of the 2008 campaign arrived shortly after 1:30 p.m. today, sent by the Republican National Committee.
The release forwarded word that the California Republican Party filed a complaint with the Federal Election Commission, in part because of a visit Sen. Barack Obama made to his dying grandmother.
"Obama for America violated federal law by converting its campaign funds to Senator Obama's personal use," the release stated. "Senator Obama recently traveled to Hawaii to visit his sick grandmother. This was the right thing for any grandson to do -- at his own expense -- but it was not travel that his campaign may fund."
Puppy cam is already up!
(Perhaps Big Giant Hand got up early to vote.)
I am super mad that our polling place does not give out "I voted" stickers.
So much this. WTF, Chicago?
wow, I can't believe that the repubs would try to fool old people!
My place had no line, but I think that the places were set up before urban flight, becausethere are at least 4 within walking distance of my house!
Where I grew up there was one spot for the whole town; and it was the biggest town in the county!
FiveThirtyEight sez:
McCain's chances of victory are estimated at 1.9 percent, their lowest total of the year.
Of course, that was last night. A lot can change in... a day.
Today's Polls, 11/3 (PM Edition)
Has this been linked to here yet? Something to watch if you get anxious today:
I am super mad that our polling place does not give out "I voted" stickers.
Mine didn't either! it never does for some reason. Although I've seen other people in town sporting them.
I have comitted democracy. Feels good. And it only took about 20 minutes, including the wait in line.
Now to hunker down and wait for this all to be over.
The CBC is having special election coverage tonight. I think they're way more excited about this election than they were about our own election a few weeks ago.
The subtext of this message: The world is watching America, don't screw this one up!
When I early voted last week - they had run out of the "I voted" stickers. As annoyed as I was, I took that as a good sign.
It is very strange living in a swing state that actually seems to be swinging in the right direction. Come on Colorado - you can do it!!!!
Aw, otters holding hands. I hadn't seen that in a while. Thanks, lisah!
I am going out to vote around noon, so I don't want to watch any coverage until after I've voted. It's a vaguely superstitious thing that I can't quite put my finger on, but I'm going with it. I do have the day off, though, so I've decided to go out somewhere and pull some combination of running errands and watching coverage. I'm taking Hal with me.