From Wonkette: Jesus People Pray That False Idol Will Save God’s Economy
Did you know that some Christian dingbat has dubbed today the “Day of Prayer for the World’s Economies?” Well here they are, at the Wall Street bull statue thing, praying to Jesus for money. The dingbat has explained, “We are going to intercede at the site of the statue of the bull on Wall Street to ask God to begin a shift from the bull and bear markets to what we feel will be the ‘Lion’s Market,’ or God’s control over the economic systems.” Don’t they know that God taking over the economic systems would be SOCIALISM from SPACE? Also: God will be very mad that they are worshiping a bronze idol here, since his second commandment PROHIBITS THAT, duh? Thanky you Wonkette operative “Dan the Man” for the sexy photo.
And I now realize I skipped the Obama advertorial completely.
Like the debates I realized I don't have to watch these live-- all the important bits will be endlessly rehashed tomorrow.
Well here they are, at the Wall Street bull statue thing, praying to Jesus for money.
If I recall from my days as one of the People of the Book, when Aaron and his buds tried that, their G_d didn't take kindly to it.
WRT Obama vs PD: we discovered that here at least FOX is airing it at 9, not 8, so we're tivoing both.
I hadn't had a milkshake in YEARS. Maybe a decade. But when I got my cold, I really fucking wanted a milkshake. So I threw together a frozen banana, some soymilk and sugarfree chocolate syrup and OMG. It's now an addiction. At least it is pretty damned healthy.
Strawberries work too, but the banana makes the creaminess.
This is genuinely confusing to me because I've seen so many parents who integrate their children's needs into their own and everyone gets what they need. Rather than losing something by having kids, they seem only to see parenting as gaining something in their lives.
I can't imagine a world in my family where everyone got what they needed. It just doesn't work out for us that way. Instead, we have a world that has been greatly transformed and where real sacrifices are being made because of the needs of our children. And granted, the needs are different than many kids, but I think most parents do sacrifice, actual genuine sacrifices, for their kids.
I will also say that the sacrifices I make are well worth it, even when it maddens me.
RE: Traveling was difficult for just me with Noah. If I had to do it again, I'd do non direct flights because I think maybe a layover would give him time for new stimulus. It's hard to be the sole entertainer for a 15 month old.
My brother once arrived home from a flight peed on, barfed on and smeared with peanut butter. D was in a great mood, though!
If I had to do it again, I'd do non direct flights because I think maybe a layover would give him time for new stimulus.
I kind of think that for myself, after my last trip!