Hi all.
Financial world still on brink of collapse I see. I am finding myself trying more and more to gird myself for this depression. I just wish I had the money brain to also make sure we'll weather it financially.
I keep wondering if our current elections look like Crazy Land to everyone, or if there's actually some constiuency who thinks this is normal.
Not everything! Special for Steph, but others will appreciate as well: [link]
t obligatory comment
We have food year-round in Ohio....
t /obligatory comment
I am finding myself trying more and more to gird myself for this depression.
This is why I'm working three jobs. I'm trying to get my savings account bigger than its current $250. This year's Christmas shopping season is going to really be horrendous at the bookstore as well as everywhere else, I think.
To Infinity and Beyond! Buzz Lightyear crossed the English Channel.
To Infinity and Beyond! Buzz Lightyear crossed the English Channel.
Heh - I just watched that. The wing that he wears has four jet engines that were designed for model airplanes.
From Daddy-doofus:
Monti you need to read this article. It ain't Bush's fault with the financial crisis it is the damn Democrats. This goes back to slick Willie. Don't you know the congress is DEMOCRAT..............
My response:
You = crazy. Even if you believe this mess started under Clinton, where has the Bush administration been over the last 8 YEARS to correct it??? They have no responsibility? Good laws, man.
love ya,
your liberal daughter
I hang my head in shame that my own father used the phrase "slick willie." Ayayay.
ETA: Here's the article he linked to [link]
Slate article: The Sexy Puritan - Sarah Palin embodies a powerful new Christian right archetype. What could that mean for America? The article has a link to Christian Nymphos
We are women with excessive sexual desire for our husbands! There is absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, God wants us to be madly in love with our husbands. He wants us to keep that fire burning in our marriage beds! We have the Song of Solomon as a perfect example of a Christ honored union where the two people are obviously intoxicated with each other.
Slate says:
...offer candid how-to advice on anal sex, fisting, and "masturbating for your husband."
Looks like the debate is back on. McCain will show.
You know, people often say that those who live in Alaska by choice don't fit in to the Lower 48 some way or another. That doesn't mean that gives her license to BE A FUCKING OSTRICH-HEADED IDIOT.
You just
all those thinly-veild-racist urban legends about black people naming their babies Fee-mah-lee or Placenta are being re-written about Alaskans.
...offer candid how-to advice on anal sex, fisting, and "masturbating for your husband."
I'm curious. When did those become good clean Christian fun? Isn't that sowing your seed on the barren ground? I mean, don't get me wrong, I can see how "no sex before marriage" is an easier sell if you allow sex before marriage, I just find it... um... contradictory.
PS why no giving head? Where's the love?