Yet another article leaves me without words to respond....
How the GOP Scares Jews
"We did not write this letter to scare you," the Republican Party of Pennsylvania assures 75,000 in-state Jewish voters in an e-mail sent out Oct. 23. But "in the 5,769 years of our people, there has never been a more important time for us to take pro-active measures in order to stop a second Holocaust." Care to guess which presidential candidate the Pennsylvania GOP judges most likely to bring on Holocaust II?
"Many of our ancestors ignored the warning signs in the 1930s and 1940s and made a tragic mistake," the e-mail intones. "Let's not make a similar one this year" (Page 2). Signed by three of the state's most prominent Jewish Republicans, the e-mail goes on to suggest that Barack Obama's worldview is somehow sympathetic to that of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of Iran, driving home the point by quoting Ahmadinejad's famous characterization of Israel as a "stinking corpse" that should be "wiped off the face of the earth." It also quotes Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef praising Obama: "We hope he will [win] the election."
How fucking repugnant can they get?
How fucking repugnant can they get?
Holy Crap!
Happy Birthday, aurelia!!
Pretty fucking repugnant, apparently.
It also quotes Hamas political adviser Ahmed Yousef praising Obama: "We hope he will [win] the election."
The rest of the world hopes Obama will win the election. A dude from Hamas is just a speck in that ocean.
I hope that after the election is over, a friend of my husband's father will stop sending us racist and stupid and ignorant e-mail forwards.
What about members of Al Qaeda endorsing McCain? It wasn't just one member - a number of al Qaeda members met and reached consensus that they should endorse McCain.
Oh, it turns out they were using "reverse psychology."
Happy birthday, Aurelia!
I'm trying to decide if I want to go to Grant Park on Tuesday or if I just want to go home, order pizza, and drink vast quantities of alcohol while obsessively watching the news and refreshing websites.
I'm not sure myself. Grant Park would be all "history being made blah blah blah," but I'm not sure if I'll be in the mood to be around that many people.
Maybe we could all have a drunken watch-n-post....
I will be online Tuesday night at least for a while. And probably quasi-drunk. Which might affect whether I actually go to the rehearsal I have that night.
I really want to go down there, but I'm afraid I'll be working late enough that I won't be able to get near the place. I'm also afraid I'll freeze.