Notification is a rough one. As a parent I was very frustrated when my daughter was able to obtain the pill from a clinic that took no medical history and did no follow-up. On one hand, yes, teens should have access to birth control but on the other hand, there are certain responsibilities that go with handing out any type of medication. My frustration came more from the sloppy medical attention than it happening without my knowledge (ok fine, there was some parental "omg why didn't she come to me" in there too...took a while to sort out my feelings at the time).
eta - hit post too soon. Meant to add that I feel the same way about any medical procedure performed on a minor. If it is being performed responsibly, then fine. If short cuts are taken, it can pose big risks.
Yeah, that's another good example. As a parent, I'd want to know my kid was taking medication! It's just so sensitive when it's around someone's sexuality.
Odds that he'll still be re-elected?
Too high. Why wouldn't they re-elect Uncle Ted? Even if he is a convicted felon.
I love Alaska, but Stevens + Palin = a state with pretty whacky ass politics (coming from a state that elected Ah-nuld, that says something).
I just went over the props with my students today because they are participating in a mock election tomorrow and I wanted them to think about these issues and then be prepared to vote.
I used to think that just looking at the straight language in a prop was super helpful, more than the commentary. But then there are useful things like additional bonds for children's hospitals, when the $350 million of the first set from 4 years ago STILL haven't been spent is also enlightening.
Yeah did not mean to apply to Megan. But I do think the notification law will kill teenagers. Not being flippant. A real consequence.
If a girl can't tell her parents that she is pregnant, it is unlikely that the baby will survive. And I also get concerned for the girls who are pregnant due to family members. It is hard enough to convince people you are being abused. My hope is that a girl has the support she needs with her family, but it just doesn't always work that way.
As a parent, I'd want to know my kid was taking medication!
Obviously this is true. But as a parent, I'd also like to know when my child was sexually active and how safe they chose to be. Clearly, I wish each child were comfortable enough discussing this with their parent. But I think it's pretty odd to think we can legislate that conversation between parent and child by circumventing the child and making it parent and doctor.
Also, I guess it depends on how elective you find abortion. Elective isn't the right term necessarily. But if the docs have to treat Grace and they can't contact me, they do so without my consent if it is medically necessary. And I'm okay with that. They give her meds all the time without asking me or informing me before and I am okay with that because it's medically necessary.
Abortion is not only sexuality issues intensive, but there is the idea that it isn't necessarily medically necessary which makes it fraught.
It's a sensitive area all around.
Holy crap! A Plot to kill Obama (pre election or post) is actually something that utterly terrifies me. And granted that one is sort of overly ludicrous, but the fact that people are actually thinking it is not so good.
The only thing on my ballot that I haven't decided (other than the judges, of which there are 8, and you can vote more than 8...) is video lottery (slots.) The amendment specifies the funds go to education, which was particularly sneaky, given the education budget. I'm not happy with slots as a state revenue source, yet am unopposed to other "vice" taxes such as alcohol and tobacco, which I can't quite reconcile. OK, so authorizing slots is introducing (allowing) a vice industry expressly for the purpose of making money off it. I guess that tastes bad to me. I dunno.
Me too, Kat.
IO sad N, Tony Hillerman died. [link]